Tag Archives: raft

Raft ~ Write 28 Days

“Then he asked them, ‘Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?'” Mark 4:40 (NLT)


“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor!” Psalm 107:28-30 (NLT)⁣

Gripping tightly to what feels like nothing, my emotions toss me to and fro. Fear washes over me. Unanchored, I’ve lost sight of the shore in a storm of my own creation. Sinking fast like a small raft on the raging sea, waves of doubt begin to pull me under. Ever found yourself in a similar situation?⁣

The truth? This has unfortunately been my go-to voyage in tough times, but I really thought I was now better prepared for the storms of life. After all, my family has just come through a downpour of devastating news, broken hearts, exhaustion, and fear, We also experienced God’s peace, His presence, grace, and mercy. He guided us when we couldn’t see a way. He heard our cries and prayers. I saw firsthand what God can do, so how am I now back on that sinking raft lost and afraid?⁣

Let’s for a moment get in the boat with the Disciples. Everyone takes their seats relieved to be crossing to the other side. Jesus rests. Suddenly, a fierce storm blows in and waves crash into the boat. Can you see what happens next? Sinking fear takes over. Peace is lost. Sound familiar?⁣

Like me, and I would guess you, the Disciples also witnessed what Jesus could do. He was in their midst and yet, waves of doubt washed over them as they shouted, “Don’t you care?” (My cry of distress exactly) Back in that boat Jesus calms the storm, the Disciples question who this man is, and Jesus questions their faith. It’s the last part that really gets me.⁣

The Bible is full of those who’s faith falters like ours often does. From them we learn that it takes time (maybe a lifetime) traveling with Jesus to help us not get back on that rickety raft but instead, to call on the One who quiets the waves and calms the storm within us. It’s in that stillness we find relief knowing soon cross safely to the other side.