Tag Archives: Faith

Unexpected Blue Jay


“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,” James 1:2 (NIV)

Unexpected Blue Jay

Looking out the window I noticed that some extra decor was added to my seasonal hanging basket and the color just didn’t match with the theme I was going for. Never have I had a blue jay in the baskets before and this one didn’t stay there long. I’m guessing he didn’t find it too comfortable so flew off to somewhere else.

Have you ever had the same experience? Unexpectedly landing somewhere and not feeling like you quite fit in? Goodness I have! And it doesn’t have to be a bad place, just one that’s out of our comfort zone. Like maybe a city girl who comes to teach in the most rural place she’s ever been. Or a gal who tries hard but often feels that she doesn’t measure up, and then her husband is called to pastor two churches making her a Pastor’s wife. Uncomfortable? You’d better believe it! I know you can add your own examples of those times it’s felt like you were left dangling like me. It seems as if things poke and prod us on all sides, making it hard to settle in and leave us thinking a lot about flying the “coop.”

Join me with me for a moment looking back at the Israelites. God made a way for them to be freed from slavery. Miraculously, they walked on dry land across the Red Sea. They were fed daily and their clothes didn’t wear out. They were being led to the Promised Land by God and yet, their surroundings felt awkward and unfamiliar leaving them feeling unbalanced and actually wishing for the life they’d known as slaves. As a result, they spent their lives lost and never stepped a foot into the place God had prepared just for them.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss out on God’s best He’s prepared for me! 

The problem is, I see myself, my own weakness in those Israelites. Maybe you can relate to them too. I do believe that God is leading me through life just as he led them, that He’s providing me with everything I need in whatever situation I find myself as He did back then. But, and it’s a big but, you can still find me whining and complaining, wondering why I’m where I am, scared, anxious, and sadly lacking trust in the One who has my best in mind. This is where the words, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) burst from my heart and pour out of my mouth. 

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews 12:1b-2a (NIV)

The part I love most about the verses above is knowing that Jesus is the “perfecter of faith,” not us. When we find ourselves in a “wilderness,” will we(I) fall short? Probably. Might we miss out on blessings because of our (my) lack of trust? Possibly. But, and it’s a big but, I’ve found that those times are also where I’ve learned the most about following God’s plan and slowly but surely (slow learner here) overcoming my unbelief. They do say, “Practice makes perfect.” In this case it is our practice of persevering in this race of life no matter where we find ourselves and Jesus’ perfecting our growing faith in the process.

Who would have thought that an unexpected blue jay in my basket would act as a reminder for me and maybe you too, that when we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory and life feels as if it’s swinging out of control, instead of giving up or longing for somewhere else, we need only to look to God’s best, our “Promised Land”: Jesus!

“because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:3-4 (NIV)

Aspire ~ Five Minute Friday

“And think about grassy fields-the grasses are here now, but they will be dead by winter. And yet God adorns them so radiantly. How much more will He clothe you, you of little faith, you who have not trust:” Matthew 6:30 (The Voice)

Teetering on Trust

“It is life and death.” Words I never imagined I’d ever write in my journal and yet, two years ago today I found myself doing just that. Our youngest grandson had been life-flighted to Nationwide Children’s Hospital and his future, our future, was teetering between those very things: life and death. You may know exactly how that feels, too.

At ten months old, that precious little boy of ours lost most of his intestines due to them traveling through a small, undetected hole in his diaphragm and the blood supply being cut off from them for too long. But, praise God he survived and despite his many challenges he thrives today as a true, living miracle!

As I reflect on that experience two years ago there are many emotions, thoughts, and memories churning around inside of me. I moved in and cared for my two older grandsons while their parents stayed at the hospital. For three months there were ups and downs, joys and pain, discouragement and hope, fear and oh, so much bravery. I leaned on God’s strength more than I ever have in my life and He got me through.

Those weeks of desperate prayer, worship through praise music, reading Scripture, and receiving unbelievable support from those around us brought me to a place I’d never been, an ah-ha moment when I finally was able to say to myself and to God, “I see now. Even in the worst times You are with me working things out for the best even when I don’t understand. I. Can. Trust. You.” Let me tell you, this was a place I’d wanted to be for a long time. Trust has never been easy for me and I was relieved that I’d finally made it.

Fast forward two years and here’s the rest of the story: I still have a long way to go. Even though I didn’t think it would, worry has crept back into my life. Fears overtake me in the night. Anxiety steals my breath. And trusting God with every part of my life? I think you can probably tell I’m struggling. Oh me of little faith. The good news is the fight isn’t quite as hard as before because I’ve seen God light the way through such a dark time and that helps me to remember He guides me now.

And so, I continue to aspire to be more faithful. To trust God with everything, everyone, and all of me no matter what comes. If I’m honest, it’s scary to type those words and to believe them because I’ve lived long enough to know that desiring more faith and trust often means walking through more of those “teetering” experiences for growth to happen. I’m guessing you also know that.

“Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line-mature, complete, and wanting nothing.”
James 1:2-4 (The Voice)

I’m not wishing for hardships, quite the opposite really, but I am encouraged by these words and truly hope for a blossoming faith no matter what lies ahead. And when I need an extra reminder of finding joy in my troubles I just need to look at his smile! If this boy can smile with all he has gone and goes through, then I can embrace what comes and “ultimately find joy” in the journey, too. I pray you are encouraged to do the same and together we can say for certain, come what may, “I trust You.”

“The deepest pains may linger through the night,
but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning.”
Psalm 30:5 (The Voice)

Persist ~ Five Minute Friday

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34 (NLT)

Look at the Birds

Every single feeder is down and yet, they persist……….

At first, only a couple appeared.  I didn’t think much of it. They were entertaining and I welcomed their colorful plumage. It didn’t appear that they would bother anything. Was I ever wrong! 

For days I’ve watched the two grow into 20 plus! A flock of blue jays that just won’t go away. Oh, I’ve tried baffled feeders, wired-cage feeders, upside-down suet feeders, and they conquered them all. Not only did they consume a great deal of seed, their bullying personalities and frenetic antics within the branches of the tree discourage my “more desirable” bird friends from visiting anymore. They even scared off sparrows with their constant noise and overwhelming number who were trying to settle into the bird house .

Finally, it became clear that I had no choice but to remove every feeder that was drawing them in. It wasn’t an easy decision. If you know me at all, you are aware how much my birds mean to me. And you know what? Those overwhelming visitors have continued to come back several times a day to see if I’ve given in to their unyielding ways and put the feeders back up. 

Blue jays aren’t the only thing that move in here and take over. Worried thoughts can overrun my mind, too. Maybe you can relate. One or two casually slip in. I don’t think much of it. Anything but dull, I find myself entertaining their presence convinced it won’t hurt anything. I was wrong about the blue jays and I’ve been very wrong about worrying, too!

Over the years I’ve learned that like Lays Potato Chips you can’t stop at just a few. Once your imagination feeds worry, a few turn into many, consuming more of life than you ever wanted. Anxious thoughts bully us into thinking they are right and the more they bounce around in our brains, reasonable thoughts make their way in less and less until we are overwhelmed and give in to fear.

A bill bigger than the balance in our checkbook. A symptom that signals something is wrong. A fight that has fractured a friendship. The list goes on and on. They swoop in, we take notice. The noise in our heads and hearts grows. The scenarios and seeming challenges multiply. Everything we try to rid ourselves of those overwrought thoughts is unsuccessful and we find ourselves far from settled.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
Psalm 139 23-24 (NLT)

Here’s the thing, I can’t pick and choose which birds and how many come to my feeders and we certainly can’t always control the circumstances of life, but, we can do something about the thoughts we allow to persist, and the Good News? We don’t have to do it on our own!

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”
Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

When we nourish our worries, the longer they’re apt to stay. But when we “take down the feeders,” and instead focus on God through prayer, worship, and reading scripture, we’ll see less and less of them swooping in. Will they come back to see if we’ll give in to them? Probably, but if they don’t find the conditions favorable they won’t stay nearly as long.

That’s just what I’m hoping will happen with those pesky blue jays too. When they find nothing to feed on and are being chased off before they can settle in, I’m counting on those unwanted feathered pests to finally move on. And those fear-filled pests? The same goes for them. How? Well, by looking at the birds…..

“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dresses as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?” Matthew 6:26-30 (NLT)

AND by putting our faith in the One who persistently cares more for us than anything else He’s ever created.

Joining in to write with others at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com Click on over to read more.

Raft ~ Write 28 Days

“Then he asked them, ‘Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?'” Mark 4:40 (NLT)


“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor!” Psalm 107:28-30 (NLT)⁣

Gripping tightly to what feels like nothing, my emotions toss me to and fro. Fear washes over me. Unanchored, I’ve lost sight of the shore in a storm of my own creation. Sinking fast like a small raft on the raging sea, waves of doubt begin to pull me under. Ever found yourself in a similar situation?⁣

The truth? This has unfortunately been my go-to voyage in tough times, but I really thought I was now better prepared for the storms of life. After all, my family has just come through a downpour of devastating news, broken hearts, exhaustion, and fear, We also experienced God’s peace, His presence, grace, and mercy. He guided us when we couldn’t see a way. He heard our cries and prayers. I saw firsthand what God can do, so how am I now back on that sinking raft lost and afraid?⁣

Let’s for a moment get in the boat with the Disciples. Everyone takes their seats relieved to be crossing to the other side. Jesus rests. Suddenly, a fierce storm blows in and waves crash into the boat. Can you see what happens next? Sinking fear takes over. Peace is lost. Sound familiar?⁣

Like me, and I would guess you, the Disciples also witnessed what Jesus could do. He was in their midst and yet, waves of doubt washed over them as they shouted, “Don’t you care?” (My cry of distress exactly) Back in that boat Jesus calms the storm, the Disciples question who this man is, and Jesus questions their faith. It’s the last part that really gets me.⁣

The Bible is full of those who’s faith falters like ours often does. From them we learn that it takes time (maybe a lifetime) traveling with Jesus to help us not get back on that rickety raft but instead, to call on the One who quiets the waves and calms the storm within us. It’s in that stillness we find relief knowing soon cross safely to the other side.

Hide ~ Five Minute Friday

“Why are you hiding from us? Don’t forget our suffering and trouble!” Psalm 44:24 (GNT)


Sleep didn’t come. Looking at the clock, it said 1:30. I looked again, this time 2:00. Then it occurred to me, maybe God was keeping me up so that I could see the lunar eclipse.  I had thought about staying up but had given up on the idea and yet, there I was wide awake. Easing quietly out of bed I put on my fuzzy slippers and thick fleece robe, grabbed my camera, and headed outside with great anticipation. But as I looked up, instead of finding what I was expecting, I only saw clouds that were hiding the moon from my view and was I ever filled with disappointment. Standing in that dark, cold spot alone, I wondered why God had brought me there. 

Not so long ago I was in a cold, dark place, too. Our family had been praying so hard. Our friends were praying. Even people we’d never met were lifting our grandson up in prayer. I’d waited with the anticipation of those prayers being answered, that the doctors would in fact find life within his little intestines. But instead, there I stood, filled with the realization our prayers hadn’t been answered the way we’d hoped. As hard as I tried looking up, I couldn’t see past the devastation to what was ahead and I wondered why God had brought us there. 

“Why are you so far away, O LORD? Why do you hide yourself when we are in trouble?”
Psalm 10:1(GNT)

The Psalms are packed full of lament like this and we know… Life. Is. Too. They say, “seeing is believing.” I don’t know about you, but it’s hard for me to see God’s goodness in the midst of suffering.

“For our life is a matter of faith, not of sight.”
2 Corinthians 5:7 (GNT)

Oh how I wish I could say that living by faith is easy for me. You too? There’s no doubt that trouble is always around and it is easy for me to think in those times that God is not. Here’s the thing I’m pondering though, even when the the moon was out of sight behind the clouds that night, I knew from experience it was still there. Maybe the reason I was wide awake in the wee hours was to help remind me and I hope encourage you, that the same is true of God’s goodness, We don’t have to see it in the moment to believe it’s there because we’ve experienced it time and time again. Even in this difficult journey with our grandson, looking back over the last few months there’s evidence of God’s goodness through it all.  So as I continue to learn (it takes me awhile) to live a life of faith, I’m going to try to keep looking up with anticipation knowing God is right there with me.

“How clearly the sky reveals God’s glory! How plainly it shows what he has done!”
Psalm 19:1 (GNT)

Less (Lovingly, Aunt Florence) ~ Five Minute Friday



“For God says, ‘At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.’ Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2

Lovingly, Aunt Florence

My Great-Aunt Florence was a strong woman; she was confident in her faith, and to me, She. Was. Brave! I admire her courage, because like her, I care about my loved ones’ salvation; but unlike me,  Aunt Florence went beyond caring and took action!  The possibility of backlash, ruffled feathers, or hurt feelings didn’t stop her from reaching out to every member of her family who she had an address for, inviting us each to accept Jesus if we hadn’t already. Her letters spoke of the peace, trust, and contentment she found as a result of her faith in God and she urged us to seek the same through accepting Jesus’ sacrifice, going to church, and reading the Bible. She closed by writing: “Whether your response to this letter is positive or negative, I’d love to hear from you.”

It’s hard to admit, but I’ve missed opportunities to speak of salvation with others, simply because I fear receiving those negative responses that Aunt Florence openly welcomed, (I’m sad to say, her “brave gene” didn’t get passed on to me), but rereading her old letters has inspired  me to do better! And I’m going to try and start now.

Have you stopped to think that we have less time to live today than we did yesterday? And that tomorrow, we’ll have less than we do right now? With everything going on in the world at this moment: the fear, the panic, the unknown, it seems the perfect time for each of us to stop and  consider our future. We all know this, but our present circumstances clearly remind us that we don’t know what lies ahead. Let’s ask ourselves, are we prepared?

Twenty-five years ago at the age of almost 90, My Great-Aunt Florence shared these scriptures with our family and with me. And now, I’m going to share them with you:

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ ” Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’ ” John 14:6 (NLT)

“If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.”
1 John 1:8-9 (NLT)

And I’ll add this one to hers:

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NLT)

The world is in turmoil. The future seems bleak. But here’s the good news: there’s no reason for despair. WE HAVE A HOPE! My heartfelt desire is for each of those I love and care about to spend no less than eternity with me in Heaven. I feel the same about you, who are reading this! Let me end these more than “five minutes” with some of the last words Aunt Florence shared and while they were written for me and my family, I know without a doubt, she wrote them with the intent that they’d be passed on:

“For many years Christ has been my strength, my shield, and my song, giving me peace that passes all understanding.  He’ll give it to you, too, if you’ll ask Him.
Evermore keep the faith!
Lovingly, Aunt Florence”

Today’s prompt is “Less” over at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com Click over to read what others have written today! As always, I appreciate you taking your time to stop in. God Bless!


The Worry Remedy


“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Glenn Turner

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27 (NIV) / Pixabay

W hittles tirelessly away; making shards of my soul.

O verpowered by the width and depth of my fears.

R estricting  peace, hope, and my very breath.

R eveals the “You of little faith” that I am. 

Y ielding my illusion of control to God’s perfect plan is the only remedy.




Write ~ 12/31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes

“But Jesus told them, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well, because that is why I was sent.” Luke 4:43 (NLT)

I’m old enough to remember back before iPhones, iPads….computers for that matter, ever existed.  In those days if we wanted to stay connected to one another we had to write letters.  Finding a letter from my grandparents, a friend, or other family members in the mailbox was always exciting!  Those pages were filled with the latest news, questions about our lives, and lots and lots of love. It wasn’t unusual to read them over and over again just to feel like we were right there with the ones who sent it.

In today’s world where people seem to talk to each other less and less, it occurs to me that we are the letters from God to those around us.  We were created to tell the Good News. When our words, the activities we’re involved in, and the way we treat others are different from the world, it may spur questions about why, and of course, love is the greatest thing we can pass on to those around us!

What letters do your life and mine write to the world?  We’ve been “signed, sealed, and delivered” to be a way to connect someone in need to God’s love and saving grace.  And as we share that over and over, the more we’ll feel we’re right in the presence of Him who sent us!

M’m! M’m! Monday 5/8/17

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10(NLT)

Container Problem

 I have a container problem!  It never fails! When I go to pick out a container for the left overs from dinner, I almost always come back with a dish that’s too big for the amount of food I have.  On top of that….I’ve usually picked up and put down three or four different sizes before deciding on the one that ultimately ends up being too big!  Nine times out of ten, I don’t have what it takes to fill the container I picked to do the job. 

You know? Sometimes I feel the same way about myself!  (Yes, I’m comparing my Rubbermaid and Tupperware to life, now!) Stay with me….There are times when I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to do something but I’m afraid I don’t have enough…enough wisdom, enough energy, enough courage, enough whatever to fill the position or to do the job and so I. Don’t. Do. It.  Ever been there?  

Just like digging in my container cupboard looking for the right fit, I sort through in my mind  sizing up all the other people who I think would be better able to fill the need. The problem is: no one has started that book study that I’ve felt compelled to start, the idea to provide a free lunch for those in need remains just that, an idea, and opening my house as a gathering place? A big dream waiting to be fulfilled. 

Here’s what I’m learning. It’s not about me! (I know, I know. You’ve heard this before.  You should know by now I’m a slow learner!) All throughout the Bible we find people who believe they aren’t at all suited to do what God asks them to do.  Some of them tell God He’s making a mistake, some tell Him to find someone else, and some even run in the opposite direction. Me? I sit in my chair and think about what God wants me to do.   God reassured those He chose that He’d be with them and would provide all they needed until they’d become a perfectly filled vessel for the job. 

“By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.  We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence.” 2 Peter 1:3(NLV)

It’s the same for you and me.  We can be confident that if God is calling us to do something, He has chosen us because with Him we will be the right fit for the job.  We may have to step out of our comfort zone (talking to myself here). It may require more faith than we’re used to. It might just be plain scary! But, in the end when we open ourselves to God’s calling, trusting in Him to give us what we need; we may just find we are a match with what He’s prepared us to do…..just like the right lid for the perfect container!  Oh dear, don’t get me started on my problem finding the right lid……

Instead, let me share with you a delicious recipe where the bites are small and the flavor is big! A perfect combination to me! Hope it “fits” into your dinner menu soon! 



Stanley’s Dream


Miracles of Living Hope

Marilyn Uhl will be the first to tell you that establishing and running Living Hope High School in Bungoma, Kenya couldn’t happen without God.  She will also tell you that the longer she’s in Africa, the stronger her faith grows.  Marilyn has seen God work things out in strange and powerful ways when even she didn’t believe He would.  “I don’t know why we don’t have total faith because He never lets us down.” she reminds us.  “He might not answer us the way we want or when we want, but He always has our good in mind.”  The Living Hope journey continues with true stories of the miraculous ways God is working in the lives of Marilyn and her students.

“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV) Pixabay

Stanley’s Dream

It’s unlikely that you or I could navigate the narrow, winding paths that lead through the bush-covered interior outside Bungoma to find the small, isolated house where Stanley’s story begins.  He was the first born of four children to proud parents who encouraged them in all they did. The family worked hard on their small farm to survive and while they were rich in love, there was very little money.

Stanley enjoyed school and excelled in his high school courses but as the time drew near for his final exam, he faced a cold, hard truth.  As much as his parents desired to help him, they just didn’t have the funds; so Stanley did the only thing he knew to do: he prayed.  He prayed fervently.  He prayed continually.  He prayed right up into the evening before the registration money was due and still he had no answer.  As the family sat down that night for supper something unusual happened.  They were startled by a knock at their door.  Much to Stanley’s surprise, and an answer to his prayer, there stood one of his teachers. This teacher recognized the potential in Stanley and told him that he would pay his school registration fees enabling him to finish high school and take his exam.  Stanley immediately began praising God and thanking his teacher.  Songs of rejoicing filled the tiny home.

As often happens in life, rejoicing turned to sorrow as Stanley experienced a crushing blow.  His father unexpectedly passed away.  Seeing an opportunity, Stanley’s uncle swooped in and offered to help the family by taking Stanley to live with him.  Stanley’s life would never be the same.  Outside the uncle’s kitchen was an old side shed that at times had been used to house cows and chickens.  It was small, dark, had a stench, and now was Stanley’s room.  He soon learned that he was expected to be his uncle’s house boy receiving no pay in return.  He worked all day: cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and caring for his small cousins.  The only food Stanley got each day were the few sips or nibbles he was able to sneak as he prepared the family’s meals.  Stanley was now a slave but he never stopped praying for the dream he held deep in his heart to somehow come true.

Days turned into weeks and weeks became years when one day while Stanley was doing chores he noticed a woman moving into the duplex next door to his uncle’s.  He soon learned that Marilyn was a teacher and administrator at her own school: Living Hope. They quickly became friends and he shared with Marilyn that he’d been with his uncle for six years and in that time he’d prayed every single day for God to provide a way for his dream to be realized.  Having never shared the words aloud with anyone before, they felt strange crossing his tongue as he confided in Marilyn that his dream was to be a teacher too. He revealed  that somehow he’d always known he was supposed to be a teacher even though he could see absolutely no way for it to happen.

Other than praying, Stanley had no idea what it would take to make his dream of teaching a reality; so Marilyn sent him on his bike to the small teaching college in town.  The trip home seemed to take much longer than the trip to the school as he now carried the heavy burden of knowing he’d never experience the joy of being a teacher.  Up until now, he had no idea what college would cost and it was just too expensive, especially for someone who had nothing!

But “nothing” didn’t describe what Stanley had because He. Had. God.  AND God had a plan! We’re promised God hears our prayers so when Stanley needed a miracle a teacher arrived on his doorstep. When Marilyn needed a place to live, she miraculously found an answer in the duplex next door to Stanley.  Now, Stanley needed a way to make his dream of being a teacher more than a dream and he was about to find his miraculous answer in Marilyn!

When Marilyn saw the look of defeat on Stanley’s face her heart was moved. It didn’t take her long to offer to pay his tuition for the first semester and buy all the supplies he’d need; but she told him that after that God would have to handle the rest. And handle it He did!

Stanley flourished at college but at the end of the semester, as expected, he was out of money and at the time so was Marilyn.  Prayers were lifted once again, and Marilyn’s sister stepped in when she realized how troubled Marilyn was about Stanley’s situation and her inability to continue to help him.  She provided for Stanley so that he could finish his two year program and receive his Associates Degree.  It was a bittersweet achievement as Stanley found himself in the exact spot he’d been in time and time again…holding on to the dream of being a teacher, having no money, and praying fervently for God to make a way.  Meanwhile, Marilyn was home in West Virginia traveling from church to church speaking about Living Hope High School.  While at Faith United Methodist Church, she felt compelled to tell Stanley’s story.  As church dismissed, coming up from the back of the church, a couple approached Marilyn.  They’d been so moved by Stanley’s story that they pledged to support him through his final two years of college.

Knowing his teacher, Marilyn, her sister, and the family from Faith Church were answers to his constant prayers, Stanley never took their gifts to him for granted.  He worked diligently to make his dream come true and graduated with his teaching certification!

Some would say that Marilyn’s moving next door to Stanley’s uncle was a coincidence.  Marilyn, Stanley, and now you, know differently.  God works out His plans for us in miraculous, unexpected ways.  They may not happen just as we imagine or on our time table, but He works them out for our best.  You see, Stanley’s story doesn’t end here….He is now the Head Administrator and Marilyn’s most trusted employee at Living Hope High School! God sent Marilyn to Stanley and she will tell you that Stanley is a Godsend to her. Neither could do what they do without the other. Now, I’d say that’s a dream come true!

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 (NLT)

copyright Living Hope High School, Bungoma, Kenya

For more information on Living Hope High School, go to www.livinghopehighschool.org or call Helen Markwell at 304-567-2254.