Another ~ Five Minute Friday


“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” Romans 8:18


I open my eyes
What day is this?
One seems to blend with another.

The scenery’s the same
The company, too
I miss my grands and my mother.

I close my eyes
So many needs
I lift them one after another.

The fear’s the same
The worries, too
I pray that we’ll soon recover.

I open my eyes
And look for the good.
I list them one, then another.

The helpers, the healers,
The sacrifice, the love
Opportunities to serve our brother.

I close my eyes
But before I sleep
I count blessings, another and another.

The world has changed.
I hope we have, too.
New priorities for us to discover.

Yes, I open my eyes
What is this day?
A gift! Let us be grateful for another!

“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
 Psalm 118:24 (NLT)

It’s April, Poetry Month, and I haven’t written one poem so figured today was a good day to do it!  Joining with my friends at to write to the prompt “Another”. I’m pretty sure there will be lots of inspiration and encouragement there! Click over and see for yourself! I hope you are safe and well! Thank you for stopping in! It means a lot to me!

18 thoughts on “Another ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Cheryl

    The helpers, the healers,
    The sacrifice, the love
    Opportunities to serve our brother

    This reminds me of Shel Silverstein…now I feel I need to go back and read some of his poems again this evening so that “another” turns into “remember”.

  2. Jennifer Smith

    Counting our blessings is not only helpful but essential during these long days that seem marked by monotony. I don’t want to miss all that is beautiful and all that God is doing during these days….because I yawned (or napped) through it! Oh my. Your posts are a blessing!

  3. Jane

    Beautiful. Poetic. Melodic. Comforting in it’s tone. And I love your challenge to each of us to open our eyes and see what God wants us to see in these days of possiblity.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you Jane. I have been trying to keep track of the positives in all of this. I know that I have it much easier than many but I also know God can bring good out of any situation! I so appreciate you taking your time to stop in! Stay well!

  4. Terri D

    What a lovely poem. I feel the same way. I really liked your photos too. (For some reason my photo turned sideways and I do not know how to edit my post.) Anyway, thank you for the beautiful poem.

    Terri D #3 on FMF

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you for your kind words Terri! And I too sometimes have trouble with my photos! I wish I had more technological skill than I do. Old dog new tricks you know!

  5. Andrew

    It’s the Christian’s heart-remit
    for the hurting world, to shed a tear,
    but suddenly there’s Kermit
    singing in my ear,
    singing of the rainbows,
    and the morning star
    that for answered wishes glows
    for whoever, yes, you are.
    There is, you see, connexion,
    and there’s a promise, too,
    that showed Noah direction
    of what God would not do;
    the world was, just once, reset;
    on what’s here now, God’s placed His bet.

    1. Cindy Post author

      I believe that too Carol! I’ve started a Pandemic Positives list to keep track of the blessings within the challenge. Thank you for taking time to stop in!

  6. Amie

    Yes – “list them, one then another.” It’s so easy to get lost in the sorrow around us, but there is still so, so much to be thankful for. I thank God for FMF today, and the encouragement I am getting from posts like yours.

    1. Cindy Post author

      I’m so thankful too Amie! FMF is a special place that I treasure! Thank you so much for stopping in! You are “another” blessing on my list!

  7. Jodie Barrett

    so thoughtful, beautiful, and true. Thank you dear friend for reminding me of the goodness all in each day.


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