Who Do You Choose?

“We have only one God, and he is the Father. He created everything, and we live for him. Jesus Christ is our only Lord. Everything was made by him, and by him life was given to us. 1 Corinthians 8:6 (CEV)

Who Do You Choose?

A crowd gathered, their fists raised in protest and keeping time with boisterous voices joined together in jeers and wrathful chants.  The air hung thick with anger, fear, and yes, hatred as the jostling mass grew more agitated and violent. Demanding to be heard, the protestors had no intention of stopping until they got what they wanted.

Sounds like a report straight from our daily news doesn’t it? Actually, this outraged mob gathered together in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago.

“Pilate called together the chief priests, the leaders, and the people. He told them, ‘You brought Jesus to me and said he was a troublemaker. But I have questioned him here in front of you and I have not found him guilty of anything that you say he has done. Herod didn’t find him guilty either and sent him back. This man doesn’t deserve to be put to death!

I will just have him beaten with a whip and set free.” But the whole crowd shouted, “Kill Jesus! Give us Barabbas!’ Now Barabbas was in jail because he had started a riot in the city and had murdered someone. 

Pilate wanted to set Jesus free, so he spoke again to the crowds. But they kept shouting, ‘ Nail him to a cross! Nail him to a cross!’

Pilate spoke to them a third time, ‘But what crime has he done? I have not found him guilty of anything for which he should be put to death. I will have him beaten with a whip and set free.’

The people kept on shouting as loud as they could for Jesus to be put to death. Finally, Pilate gave in. He freed the man who was in jail for rioting and murder, because he was the one the crowd wanted to be set free. Then Pilate handed Jesus over for them to do what they wanted with him.
Luke 23:13-25 (CEV)

Pilate had the power, position, and opportunity to release one man. The crowd had a choice; they could receive Jesus or Barabbas. Despite Pilate’s prompting and Jesus’s innocence, the demanding crowd voted to set Barabbas free and send Jesus to his death.

Picture that increasingly agitated group: louder and louder they yelled, pushing, shoving, and losing control. I wonder what I would have done had I been there? Would I have been swayed by the crowd mentality and like Pilate, given in to the fury fueled by hate instead of love, anger instead of peace, lies instead of the truth? Would you have been?  Who would have gotten our vote?

The world and people haven’t changed much across the centuries. We can still be influenced by the crowd, act out of hate, and react with anger.  We’re easily convinced to ignore the truth because following what’s popular seems easier. We may also be afraid of what we might lose if we speak out and of course, we don’t want to appear different from those around us.

“But if you don’t want to worship the LORD, then choose here and now! Will you worship the same idols your ancestors did? Or since you’re living on land that once belonged to the Amorites, maybe you’ll worship their gods. I won’t. My family and I are going to worship and obey the LORD!”
Joshua 24:15 (CEV) (emphasis mine)

Yes, I’d like to think I would have sided with Jesus back in Pilate’s courtyard. You too? There’s no way to ever really know, but honestly, it doesn’t matter because each one of us has the very same choice to make today. Like Pilate, we have loud, conflicting information coming at us from every direction and we must determine who we will listen to and serve. God? Self? Others? Worldly gods?  The time IS “here and now“…..  We each must decide. As for me? I choose the LORD. Who do YOU choose?

I am joining once again with the great group of writers at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com where the prompt this week is “Vote”. I am looking forward to reading all their creative work. Just click on the link to join me! As always I so appreciate you stopping in here and reading my ponderings. God bless you!



13 thoughts on “Who Do You Choose?

  1. Kelli Eggebrecht

    Thanks Cindy.
    A reminder that there a two sides to each situation. We are members of a royal priesthood and we must behave as such with love and kindness.
    On the death of Jesus, Jesus died for our sins, so he could receive what was promised to him by his Father. This gives me the strength to carry on. Our Savior reigns.
    God bless you.

    1. Cindy Post author

      “Our Savior reigns!” It’s easy to lose sight of that in the midst of turmoil, but you’re so right, remembering that gives us the strength we need to carry on! Thank you for your words, Kelli! I so appreciate you taking time to comment!

  2. Andrew

    I watched the news and thought, “Oh, great,
    ’tis something I should know;
    this scene was faced by Pilate
    all those years ago.
    All the shouting hateful faces
    (and likely real bad breath)
    abandoned any social graces
    and clamoured for the death
    of a man who’d done no wrong,
    and whose only crime
    was the living of a song
    so hated by His time.”
    And on other side of history,
    crowds now death to Liberty.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you Lesley! It took me by surprise but of course a lesson I needed reminded of! I’m grateful for you taking time to comment!

  3. LaVonne Hammett

    Yes, the world has not changed much. The decisions are hard. Our faith must go to God tho and not worldly leaders. As terrible and unfair as it is to think about Christ’s crucifixion, it was what God ordained for the the good of man. Christ knew this. He’s my hero. Every day!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I was thinking of that as I wrote LaVonne. That the unfairness was all part of God’s plan and the ultimate gift of salvation through Jesus on the cross. I always appreciate your insight. It adds something every time!

  4. Jane

    Cindy, what a comfort to read your truth here..The coming week is going to be full of angst and fury..I’m making upy mind right now to trust God and recognize that he decides what happens in the world. My favorite “Like Pilate, we have loud, conflicting information coming at us from every direction and we must determine who we will listen to and serve. God? Self? Others? Worldly gods? The time IS “here and now“….. We each must decide. As for me? I choose the LORD. Who do YOU choose?” I, too, hope I would choose in favor of Jesus.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Jane, I too am praying as we approach the coming election. Our country is so in need of God’s peace. I thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. It means more than you know!


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