Tag Archives: little

Day 18: Little

31 Days of Five Minute Friday Free Writes

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.”
2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

Day 18: Little

Not long ago, on a fall get-away and a whim, we turned into the parking lot of the “Smallest Church in 48 States.” Stepping into the tiny sanctuary, such a sense of God’s presence immediately permeated my soul. There was a reverent silence within those walls. Soft light filtered through the stained glass windows creating a red glow that flowed across the floor at the alter beneath the cross. A coincidence? I think not. Sitting in a miniature pew I felt God’s peace saturate all of that little space. 

Experiencing God’s presence and peace in my “normal-sized” church happens regularly. Standing in the shadow of a large mountain, at the edge of the vast ocean, or amongst a sweeping forest, I expect to sense God there in the midst of his grand design. But, in a roadside attraction touting its small size? Encountering our BIG God there, took me by surprise.

I’m afraid I’ve been shortsighted in the same way before. When going through major happenings in life (many that throw us for a loop) I take those big cares right to God. After all, He is the no height, width, breadth, depth, east from west God! But, when it comes to little things? I’ve questioned whether our omniscient, omnipotent God has time for those. Things like my lost keys, a stomach ache, vacation plans, missing birds from my feeders, car trouble, or a multitude of other minute details. Maybe you’ve wondered too? Here’s what I’m learning:

“Do not be anxious about anything; but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6 (NIV emphasis mine)

Did you catch that? Paul teaches us not to worry, and I’m going to add not to wonder, about anything. And he says, instead take everything, tremendous and tiny, to God in prayer. Isn’t that amazing? We expect God to listen to our monumental needs, but our little ones? That can take us by surprise. But, when we think about it, it really shouldn’t because after all, Jesus came as a little baby, He compared faith with a grain of mustard seed, fed the five thousand with meager loaves and fish, and used a widow and her two small mites as an example of commendable giving. He is the last is first, poor is rich, least is great, God! And it doesn’t stop there:

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

I love how God works? My experience with Him in the “Smallest Church in 48 States” has reminded me, and I hope you too, that He meets us anywhere about anything. Big or little, God invites us to turn to Him not on a whim, but in prayer and thanksgiving. And when we step into His presence? We will feel God’s peace saturate every little space of our being.