Tag Archives: Life

Wait and See

Wow!  It’s been since October that I’ve written a post!  I have many excuses…..I’ve worked on a couple  projects up at school, I’ve traveled a little, and getting lost in the holiday rush…..all good reasons for not having the time to write…..good, but not the real reason.

The real reason I haven’t written is my own disillusionment and fear.  It was eye-opening for me just now to go back and read my October post, “It’s Time”.  I talk about taking off and living my dreams but instead I have done the exact opposite.  Actually, I’ve been hiding.

I felt ready to retire.  I felt it was time.  I felt it was for the best for me and the school.  I felt God was leading me to a new life and I couldn’t wait. But waiting is exactly what I’m doing and I must admit I’m not doing a very good job of it.  Somehow I thought that my new future was going to emerge from writing this blog.  It hasn’t.  I was sure opportunities were going to knock on my door. The only opportunities I’ve been given are the spam messages to improve my blog that fill my inbox.  I thought I was going to fulfill the longing of my creative spirit and make a difference.  I thought I knew where I was going…..

Keeping busy hasn’t been a problem.  I’ve spent a lot of time back at school substituting, putting up bulletin boards, chairing special projects and I’ve enjoyed it.  It’s just that this isn’t how I envisioned it to be.  Have I made a big mistake?  Did I take my future into my own hands instead of following God’s lead?  I talk a big game but truthfully, I’ve been scared and disappointed in myself.  What have I done?  What am I supposed to do now?  I know…….wait.

So, here I am back to tell you that while I wish I was flying, sailing, climbing, or traveling on a new exciting adventure, I’m actually a little lost and still not sure where I’m going.  It’s a good thing I have a patient husband, family who support me, and friends that cheer me on.  Because really when it’s all said and done, it doesn’t matter where I’m headed.  What matters most is who’s along for the ride and I am richly blessed by MY “traveling partners”!  Am I a little anxious? Yes.  Is this how I pictured retirement?  No.  The reality though is life rarely happens the way we expect it to.  Once we realize it, we always have the choice to give up (as I sort of have been doing) or embrace the moment we’re in (what I’m now going to try to do).  Armed with the confidence that God has a plan, that He can see the whole picture, and the knowledge that I’m surrounded by people who care about me, I’m going to try and relax, let go of my preconceptions, and be grateful for this time of discovery.  Where will it lead me you ask?  Your guess is as good as mine.  I believe we’ll just have to WAIT and see.


Beautifully Imperfect

I have just returned from my annual pilgrimage to the beach.  I call it a pilgrimage because for me, being at the beach is spiritual.  It is the place I feel most like myself…..whole somehow.  We have been going to the same beach for many years now, and each year it is the same.  I walk on the shore looking for that perfect, desirable shell.  Somehow, I always convince myself that no matter how many others have searched before me, if I look intently enough, God will place that enviable shell at my feet.

This summer was no differenct.  I found myself scouring the sand for my perfect shell.  Excitedly, I would spot one, pick it up, and find upon inspection that it was pretty but not perfect.  Throwing it back to sea, I moved on to continue my search.  After a few days of picking up and throwing down, one of those “ah-ha” moments happened.  I realized that often our lives are just like my shell search.  We are so intent on finding that perfect life that we often miss the beautiful imperfect moments of the real life God has designed for us.  I am learning that being cracked, broken, tossed about, and worn are what makes me who I am.  It is through these imperfect moments that I grow and learn to appreciate the journey of my life.  Just as the shell’s journey from sea to shore scars it’s surface, so our journey marks our lives with trials and challenges.  It is what we take from these imperfections that determines who we become.

Yes, it is true, I am far from perfect.  Thank goodness, God, the Perfect One, isn’t going to throw me back!

Beautifully Imperfect

Beautifully Imperfect