Tag Archives: Learning lessons

The Three Mirrors ~Adjust ~ Five Minute Friday

“Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly.” Mark 8:25 (NLT)

The Three Mirrors

Back in the dark ages when I was in high school, Driver’s Ed. was required before you could get your license. I remember nervously awaiting my first time behind the wheel. When it was finally my turn, was I ever disappointed because we didn’t go anywhere! We never even turned the key. The lesson was spent in preparing to start the car: sliding the seat to where the distance to the pedals felt comfortable, positioning the seat back, fastening the safety belt, monitoring the lights and gauges, and coming last but not least, looking into the three mirrors.

The three mirrors….  My teacher stressed the importance of adjusting them, so as the driver, I could see clearly behind me before ever moving ahead. I was also taught to glance often in each one in an effort to remain aware of what was behind me, but not to spend too much time looking back. And then, I learned how their use could help me safely change lanes when the need arose.  Lessons from so long ago ( I won’t tell you HOW long) and yet I still use them today, each time as I travel down the road.

Why bring up my schooling of yesteryear?  Because I’m realizing that during this strange time of isolation and social distancing, like the three mirrors, my own vision is also being adjusted. Waiting nervously to have this behind us, I’ve begun to see that in the midst of this uncertain, challenging time there are lessons I may need to learn:

  1. When the waiting is over, clearly look back on this experience before moving ahead.  Prepare before just proceeding back into “normal life”. I don’t want to slide back into being comfortable and taking the little things of life for granted. I do want to position myself to best see what needs lie ahead that I might meet, and I want to move through my world a little more safely by monitoring the mark (or germs) I and others might leave in our paths.
  2. Don’t live in fear by spending too much time dwelling on all that’s happened. With #1 being said, it would be easy for me to let anxious thoughts prevent my moving on and out. While looking back is important for learning, staying there will get me nowhere. And,
  3. Be aware of the positive things that have resulted from this time of slowing down and staying in, then, make the changes needed to proceed. I’ve loved hearing and reading about parents interacting with their children, projects being done, dinners eaten together, books being read, games being played, neighbors helping neighbors! All these wonderful things happening and even some in my own life too, that never would have occurred under normal circumstances. I want to be watching for ways to help those kind of things continue!

Yes, my eyes have been opened and I’m seeing a little more clearly that I have a lot to learn! These are just a few lessons I’ve been taught as a result of what’s going on today. Ones I hope I’ll now remember and use everyday as I journey down this road called life. What about you? What are you learning as you travel through this time of uncertainty and accommodation? I’d love for you to share them in the comments!

I hope you are staying safe, doing well, and when this is behind us, if your vision, like mine, is being adjusted, then I pray that together we might just be the key that puts us all on the road to a better way of life!  Oh, and let us not forget to check those mirrors! God Bless!

Even though it’s not Friday, I’m writing to join the others who have participated at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com and shared their ideas about the prompt “Adjust”. I’m late, but there’s definitely still time for you to click over and read some great thoughts! As always, I thank you for being here!