Tag Archives: comfy pants

Comfy Pants Routine ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s Friday!  Yay!  Time for another five minute free write.  Today’s prompt is “routine”. Want to read more? Click on over to http://www.fiveminutefriday.com

Time starts now…

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) / Pixabay

I’m in a comfy pants routine!  When I was teaching full time and flitting here and there with kids, wearing comfy pants was a luxury!  An unexpected snow day or rare weekend with no plans allowed me to slip into those soft, stretchy, cozy pants for a bit! Now that I’m retired though, I find myself each morning (or afternoon…shhhhh) routinely reaching in the drawer, passing over the jeans, and pulling out my now well worn. comfortable, favorite easy to wear attire. IF I’m going to stay at home, that is! Although it seems socially acceptable these days, I have not adopted wearing comfy pants out in public.  The mirror doesn’t lie!  While soft and stretchy are great for relaxing, not so much for bumps, lumps, and rolls on a retired gal’s body! I just don’t want to run into someone I know and share those parts of me with them!

You know?  I’m kind of the same with my Christian life; it’s great when things are easy and comfortable.  Not so much when there are bumps in the road of my faith walk, lumps of regret for things undone caught in my throat, or guilt rolls over my heart like a boulder. The Bible doesn’t lie! I’m a sinner and I don’t always want others to see those parts of me, either.

Maybe something needs to change, though.  Don’t worry! I won’t be wearing my comfy pants out and about anytime soon. But, I am learning that if we make sharing with others the shortcomings and challenges in our Christian life routine, we find those parts of us aren’t as different  as we thought they were, and even better than that, we can begin to encourage one another to see ourselves and all our parts in another way: as becoming the new person in Christ, God intends for us to be!

Times up!

Now where are those comfy pants……….