Tag Archives: be

The Other Side ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s time for me to bring my Five Minute Friday writing and my poem a day goal together again.  This week’s prompt is “other”. Think of all the possibilities!  To read the ideas of “others” on this prompt click over to http://www.fiveminutefriday.com

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 (NLT) / Pixabay

The Other Side

When you’re talking over coffee and the words become hotter than what’s in the cup:

Listen to the other side.

When you’re hurt because a friend who’s always been there seems to have forgotten you:

Remember there’s always the other side.

When you’re blinded by all the bad being shared everywhere you look:

Discover the good in the other side.

When someone is lost in the dark and too afraid to go on:

Shine the light to the other side.

In a world where so many don’t know their way and are clinging to the edge:

Be the bridge to the other side.

When you feel that to listen, remember, discover, shine, and be,  are just too much to bear, don’t grow weary. You’re never alone:

Jesus is on the other side!


