Share Four Somethings: Making Memories

Can you believe we’re already in the month of September? Me either!  As a matter a fact, July flew by so quickly that I missed posting my Four Somethings for it.  So, here I am today ready to share with you my Four Somethings as I look back on August before they slip away too. If you enjoy this idea, you can read more over at Here’s a glance at my life this past month:

Something Loved

 I was blessed in August to spend a week with my mom and sisters in Michigan. I loved our time together but will share more about that later.  Leaving Michigan, I immediately followed that week with a week at my daughter’s.  My son-in-love was on a business trip so I was able to offer an extra set of hands with my grandsons while he was away.  We had great fun playing outside, having a pizza party, baking, reading books, and visiting the county fair. The pace was much faster than my normal day to day and I was one pooped MiMi when I got home; but I wouldn’t trade that time for anything!  I loved seeing all three of them first thing in the morning, tucking my precious grands into bed, and spending a little quiet time with my “little girl” each evening. It is such a gift to be part of their lives and I treasure making memories with them!

Something Said

It amazes me how God works things out!  It just so happened that the very week I was at my daughter’s, she gave her first Children’s Sermon in church!  I can’t remember too many times in my life when I’ve been prouder!  She’d prepared, practiced, and every word she said captivated the kid’s (and me) as she told them about the importance of staying close to God. It was a highlight of my parenting journey and listening to the compliments given to her afterward simply made my heart swell!

Something Learned

So now, let me take you back to my week in Michigan….My sisters are adventuresome. They try new things. They don’t let fear hold them back! Me? Not so much. Not at all, really!  For the longest time they have tried to get me to join them kayaking and I’ve politely turned down their invitations to enter the “death-trap” on water. This trip was a little different though: first of all they found a completely open kayak for me (there went my trapped excuse) AND they wouldn’t take no for an answer! My 59th summer will now be remembered as the year I (kicking and screaming) learned to kayak.  There could have been tears involved and a lot of trepidation but their goal was accomplished. And, if I’m totally honest, I actually enjoyed it….but shhhh, don’t tell them! Who knows what they’d plan for me next!

Something Read

Well, the whole kayak experience weighed heavy on my heart after I was home.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve been afraid to step out of my comfort zone.  New foods, people, and experiences make me nervous and uncomfortable. I wish I knew why I turned out this way. But I don’t. And I know there have been many things that I’ve missed out on because I was too scared to try them.  I’m not proud of it and its hard to share it here, but it’s been my truth. Enter God once again bringing me just what I need when I need it: My something read (and still reading) for August is the first step to “Being Brave” or at least a little braver me. I’m thinking it could be a slow process but I’m hoping that my 59th summer will also be remembered for attempting to tip toe a little out of my comfort zone and actually liking it! Stay tuned to see what happens!

Well, that’s all for this month! I’d love to know what your Four Somethings are!  Share them in the comments.  I’ll be looking forward to reading them!

8 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings: Making Memories

  1. Janel

    I love this link up its so fun to go back and reminisce. And my brother is the one who helps me be brave. We have had several adventures together that I wouldnt have attempted on my own. Love you girl!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I love it too, Janel! I’m the oldest of the three of us but somehow my younger sisters got all the brave genes. And they’ve tried to rule over me our whole lives! Haha! I’m definitely like you though, in that I’ve done things with them I’d never have done on my own. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without them! God bless you for stopping in and commenting! It means more than you know, Hugs, Cindy

  2. Kelly R Smith

    Seeing you in the kayak followed by a snapshot of Kelly’s Being Brave made me smile! Kelly’s words are challenging and encouraging. I love seeing a photographic representation of you doing something brave!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thanks Kelly! I hope there’ll be more pictures of me trying new things in the future! I’m learning from Kelly’s wisdom for sure! I so appreciate your encouraging words! Thanks for taking your time to comment! Cindy

  3. Heather Gerwing

    Yay! So happy to have you link up Cindy! Sounds like you had a great summer! Where about in MI were you? Also, do you know that the author of Being Brave Kelly Johnson links up to #ShareFourSomethings as well!!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I love it Heather! Thank you for having me! My mom lives in E. Lansing, MI so I was there for a bit and then we went to my sister’s house on Lake Isabella near Mt. Pleasant, MI which is where I graduated college from a loooong time ago!
      I was thrilled to see Kelly had posted her Somethings just before I did. I told her it was a God Wink that I ended up right behind her! I love it when things like that happen! No such thing as coincidence! Thank you so much for taking time to comment here. It means the world to me! Have a great week and month! Cindy

  4. Kelly Johnson

    I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see someone with a journal full of words snuggled up next to Being Brave! And I’m thrilled to be walking with you on your brave journey. God is so good about bringing us just what we need, right when we need it. And I wish you more yirah and less pachad as you take this journey towards remembering your bravest self. Read this, if you want to know what these words mean! 🙂

    Blessings, new friend!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Well, I read this and the tears started to flow! I have lived in my lizard brain for far too long. Thank you for sharing it with me and you’ll never know how much it means to me that you took the time to comment. I have been blessed by your words here and in your book! God bless, Cindy


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