Share Four Somethings ~ July 2020

Has anyone seen July? I mean where did it go? Time these days seems stuck and fleeting all at the same time! Well, one good thing about being at month’s end is that means it’s time for “Share Four Somethings” at  Here are mine:

Something Loved

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

We are now able to count down in days until baby Sutton makes his appearance. I’m so thankful I was able to go be with my daughter and family this month. There were several jobs on my to-do list, including to help in getting our little one’s bedroom ready. Being able to have a hand in preparations means the world to me and I loved feeling useful and needed while I was there.  We accomplished many things and I think they are now in pretty good shape for becoming a family of five. My sleeping accommodations were a little different on this visit. Two little munchkins requested that “MiMi” camp out in the their room each night and so of course, I did. Loved that, too!

Something Read

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11

In the midst of all this social distancing, I’ve been invited to several virtual parties and who doesn’t like to party? So of course I joined in and had fun seeing new and different things for sale.  One of the purchases I made was this devotional, “100 Days of Joy and Strength” by Candace Cameron Bure.  Originally, I thought I might give it as a gift; but after looking through it, I decided to keep it for myself.  Am I ever glad I did!  Reading the short daily entries is both encouraging and challenging. Included each day are also an accompanying Scripture verse, room to jot down your own thoughts, and a prayer.  I’m enjoying it so much that I think I will buy a few more to actually give as gifts this time!

Something Treasured

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 (NIV)

A God wink and timing are everything! Let me take you back to my visit to my daughter’s this month. When we set the dates for it, I had no idea that my daughter’s sweet friends were planning a surprise baby shower for her at that very same time.  When they found out I was going to be there, they didn’t hesitate to include me in on the surprise.  While it was stressful to try and get her there without giving it away, I will always treasure the memories of being able to be there and experience the surprise standing by her side! The shower began with a prayer that was so precious we all had tears running down our cheeks. Those tears didn’t last too long because the “Taco ‘Bout A Baby” evening included a taco bar, beautifully decorated fiesta cookies, a delicious piñata cake, lovely gifts, and lots and lots of laughter. I’m so grateful July included this surprise for my daughter… and me!

Something Ahead

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11 (NIV)

I don’t know about you but planning ahead seems impossible right now. Last month I talked about my blank calendar page and nothing has really changed since then. But, even though I’m not stepping out the door to do something, I am stepping out of my comfort zone. Before the day’s end I will have sent the first children’s story I’ve written to be critiqued by someone I don’t know….a professional!!!  As I look ahead to the next few weeks of waiting for the results, I feel a mixture of excitement and dread. I’m not sure how I should prepare to receive remarks that may be hard to read, except to remember they are remarks that will help me make this little, baby stage story grow into a better one.

From a baby’s room to a baby shower to a baby story: July has been a month about birth, I guess. And, just like any birth, it’s been hard, exhilarating, exhausting, joyful, and a little scary.  That’s life isn’t it? How about your July? What things will you remember from this past month? I’d love to know.  Just leave them in the comments if you’re willing.  As always, I so appreciate you stopping in to read the ramblings of my scattered mind.  (I’m afraid this pandemic has only made it more scattered, too.) I hope this finds you happy and well. May God bless your August!

8 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings ~ July 2020

  1. Lois Flowers

    Cindy, I love Sutton’s nursery, and also that you had “MiMi Camp” each night while you were visiting there. What a fun grandma you are! Congrats on taking that big step to have your story critiqued by a professional … you’re right … the feedback will help you make it better, even if it stings a bit at first! 🙂

    1. Cindy Post author

      Lois, the nursery really did turn out to be so cute! Now we just need that little one to be there! I have such wonderful memories of time with my grandma, I hope the boys feel that way about me someday! I’m apprehensive about the critique because I tend to be simplistic (2nd grade teacher) and a goody two shoes which sometimes isn’t popular. We shall see. Thanks for the encouragement and for stopping in. I really appreciate it.

  2. LaVonne Hammett

    Cindy, I always think, I should write down my 4 things for the month but then all of a sudden your next post is here and I’m in a panic thinking where the heck did the month go? ha ha I do know I’ve been so pleased with the weather. It’s been exciting watching things grow and bloom in the garden also. I’ve been reading about Elon Musk and his SpaceX company. It’s been a long time since I was interested in space travel so good to catch up. As always, a mad scientist in the kitchen and, of course, so lovely to be back in church despite those darn masks! There ya go. Very excited for your family to have a new addition. I pray that all will go well. Love, LV

    1. Cindy Post author

      Love these four things LaVonne! Thanks for sharing them! Yes, you are a scientist in the kitchen! Do you hope to someday be a kitchen scientist in space? I can kinda picture that! Hope you know how much I appreciate your encouragement and support here! Love ya!

  3. Heather Gerwing

    What a lovely surprise to be their for the surprise party, and what a fun theme! Yay for sending out the book, that’s great! Also, I’m drooling over your table runner!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I was so thrilled to be able to be part of the party! An unexpected blessing! And about the runner….WalMart my dear. I have matching placemats too. They are by Better Homes and Gardens. I like them too! I know you’re super busy so I really appreciate you taking time to stop in! Have a great weekend!

  4. Jodie

    Cindy- love, love, love your July 🙂 And thankful you include us in all God is showing you and doing for you in your life- HOW exciting! My July has included so many wonderful things. One of my favorites has been teaching the youth at VBS and being reminded that when I serve others for the Lord, He always blesses me with teaching me things for my heart. I’ve also loved having “Kolton Days” on Wednesdays. It’s become a very special time for me as a new GiGi.

    1. Cindy Post author

      I’ve always said I learned more from my students than I ever taught them! Love how God uses all opportunities to teach us! And Kolton Days sound wonderful!! I know you are enjoying every moment of those! Thank you so much for sharing with me your special parts of July. It means a lot! Love ya!


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