Secret Recipe ~ Five Minute Friday

Today’s prompt is “Secret” and I’ve got a few, buuuutttt….I think I’ll keep them to myself for now and instead tell you about my search for a secret recipe.  If you’re intrigued by knowing about others’ secrets click on over to 

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 (NLT) / Pixabay

There are memories of childhood we love to revisit and one that is vivid for me is a very special cookie.  I’m not talking about any old cookie.  No, I’m talking about a large, soft, melt in your mouth, sugar cookie!  What made these even more special was we knew they were “Adult Cookies” and so when we were actually allowed to have one, in addition to how delicious they were, my sisters and I also felt quite grown up!  What I realized later in life was that because they were so tasty and we didn’t get them often, my mom and grandma didn’t want to have to share them with us kids and so the “Adult” cookie came to be. These delicious creations were found in a little Ohio town where they were made and sold.  You had to get there early to be lucky enough to purchase some; but when you bit into the cake like disc and the sugar crunched between your teeth, you knew the trip was worth it! 

Several years ago I decided I’d like to try to recreate this childhood delicacy and so my search for the recipe began.  Finding sugar cookies made with unexpected ingredients was my goal because, like I said, these were not your everyday cookies.  Try as I might and as good as they all were, I didn’t find one that measured up. 

As I travel back and forth to visit my family in Michigan, I pass the quaint town that was home to Adult Cookies, so I just decided to stop one day and ask around  to see if I could track down the recipe.  Like any small town, people were friendly and enjoyed chatting, until that is, I asked about the cookies.  My inquiries were met with silence and cold stares.  What I discovered was, even after all these years, the recipe was and IS a well kept secret and so to my dismay, my search for the perfect combination of ingredients continued.

My life kind of feels like my secret recipe search right now. I’m trying to discover just the right mixture of things that will come together to produce the best version of the “Adult Me”! I’m deciding what too much of is included in my days and what those missing ingredients are that when added, will make my offerings to those around me sweeter. I haven’t found the exact recipe yet, but I’m learning that it takes patience, perseverance, a little heat, and a whole lot of the unexpected thrown in to create something special. I’m so grateful I don’t have to do this search on my own!  The One perfecting my “recipe” and yours, is the most important element in the mix! 

My recipe search? After a lot of trial and error, I’ve finally made cookies that are fairly close to those that I remember as a child. The secret ingredient? I’m pretty sure it’s the love they are made with! And isn’t that the truth in the recipe of our lives? God loves us so much that He won’t leave us “pretty close” to who we’re meant to be. No, He will continue to stir us up until we are exactly the divine creation He planned.  And that, my friends, is NO secret!

12 thoughts on “Secret Recipe ~ Five Minute Friday

    1. Cindy Post author

      God Bless You Wendy! Love does make everything better for sure! I appreciate you stopping by! Cindy

  1. Jeannie Prinsen

    Really enjoyed this post, Cindy. I know what you mean about love being the secret ingredient. And I also get what you’re saying about wanting to find the right ingredients for our own lives. It can take time to find the right blend. Thanks for writing.

    1. Cindy Post author

      You’re right Jeannie, it does take time. I sure thought I’d be closer to knowing by now! I really appreciate you taking your time to comment. Have a great weekend, Cindy

  2. LaVonne Hammett

    Well, that gave me goosebumps! Great 5 minute Friday Cindy. Thanks for all your wonderful analogies and your reminders that God loves and cares for us as we struggle through. You just made my Friday! 😀

    1. Cindy Post author

      Goodness you’re such an encouragement to me! Am I ever grateful that He is helping this crazy gal all that He is. I appreciate you more than you know, Cindy

  3. Anita Ojeda

    I love this story! Sometimes, I really don’t care for the ‘stirring’ God does in my life–but I know he has a reason, and I’m learning to submit with joy.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh my Anita! I fight it tooth and nail even though I know He has a plan! I’d just like a glimpse of where the stirring is taking me but alas there’s that thing called faith! Ha! I’m a recipe in progress for sure. Thank you for taking your time to comment. I know you’re busy. It means a lot to me, Cindy

  4. Annette

    OH.. I laughed within.. I can well imagine those stares when you asked for the recipe. 🙂 Small towns and their secrets… you just don’t want to mess with them. Glad you managed to work out your cookie recipe and good tie in with faith.

    1. Cindy Post author

      I ended up in a pretty uncomfortable situation for a moment Annette, but thankfully I’m from a small town so just thanked them and went on my way! I love to bake so it was a fun process trying to master the recipe. Glad God doesn’t mind working on me!!! Thank you for your kind words I really appreciate them, Cindy

  5. Lesley

    The cookies sound great! I love the link that you make with God’s work in our lives too, that he doesn’t leave us “pretty close” but continues his work until it is completed.

    1. Cindy Post author

      I’m telling you, they are delicious cookies! A favorite now at home and my hisband’s workplace! I am SO thankful God continues His work on us! I’m afraid I’m about as challenging as this recipe hunt was! I so appreciate your kind words! God Bless, Cindy


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