Risk Free Life

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)>JESHOOTS.com at Pexels

Risk-Free Life

Imagine a person who lives her life on the “safe side of the sidewalk”, who to stay there, crosses only within the boundaries of the crosswalk and not until the light says go.

Imagine a person who wears a life preserver even in calm, shallow waters for fear something will rock her boat.

Imagine a person who avoids anything  too fast, too closed in, too challenging, or worst of all, too unknown!

Imagine a person with numerous big ideas, bigger dreams, longings, and callings that remain buried and unfulfilled rather than attempting to venture outside her comfort zone.

Imagine a person attempting to live out her life without encountering risk.


Imagine the One who went to the cross, became the light, and has removed the boundaries between Heaven and earth.

Imagine the One who preserves life for eternity, calms the stormy seas, and beckons us to get out of the boat.

Imagine the One who finds nothing in this fast-paced world challenging, invites us to join Him in spacious places**, and to whom every little part of us is known.

Imagine the One who, to fulfill God’s plan was buried but didn’t remain there; instead, He sits at the right hand of the Father calling us to follow Him to bigger and better things than we could have ever dreamed of.

Imagine the One who risked it all to give us life.


Imagine what could happen if a person let go of her fear and put all her trust in the One!

Now…..THAT would be truly living a risk-free life!

P.S. We don’t have to just “imagine”!
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)

Joining today with other writers in TWO places! You can learn more at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com and https://anitaojeda.com/welcome-to-the-write-28-days-blogging-challenge/ This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is “Risk” and the prompt for Day 21 of the Write 28 Days Challenge is “Numerous”. I know you’ll enjoy reading the offerings on both sites! As always, I hope you know how much I appreciate the support you give me by being here!  **five minutes






5 thoughts on “Risk Free Life

  1. Pam Dow

    Thank you Cindy for the Scriptures in this post. I know you posted a month ago, but I’m catching up on my blog reading and this came just when I needed it. Working at a hospital in Guest Services feels like I’m taking a risk, but not 100% my choice, since we are part of “essential services” . Good reminders for me to not be anxious but continue to pray and His peace will come. I can trust in HIM! Amen

  2. Andrew

    We upbraid ourselves when we do not
    follow beckoning of the star,
    but really, first, perhaps we ought
    to take a look at who we are.
    We worship those who the chance,
    blood and sweat upon the brow,
    though do these folk truly advance
    the grace that comes from Here and Now?
    For there are those who set the table,
    there are those who cut the grass,
    tell sleepyheads a night-time fable
    as their years of life doth pass,
    and if we look within our heart,
    we find they have the better part.

  3. Lesley

    This is a beautiful post, Cindy! It doesn’t come naturally for me to take risks either, but it makes a big difference to know that we can trust in God.

  4. Anita Ojeda

    I’m an odd assortment of crazy risk and operating between the lines ;). Maybe my rigid actions are where I’m not trusting enough. You’ve given me food for thought n


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