Receive ~ Five Minute Friday

“Every good and perfect gift is from above,” James 1:17a

Perfect Gifts

Making a Christmas wish-list was always exciting when I was a child. I remember thumbing page by page through the Sears Toy Catalog and circling item after item I wanted and hoped to find under the tree. 

That long list of wants has grown noticeably shorter the older I get. In fact, this year I was hard pressed to think of anything I needed. That didn’t stop my family from giving generously, though. I recently posted about the wonderful, unexpected present they gave me (a Bird Buddy) which I not only enjoy immensely, but more importantly, it’s a gift that shows they know and love me well.

It is for those very same reasons that these days, I really look forward most to opening the special treats my young grandsons pick out and wrap up on their own just for me. They’ve chosen things for my love of art, dry MiMi skin, and this year a notebook (because I was a teacher and love to write) and pretty dish towels that have a bicycle with a basket on them that looks just like mine.Yes, being known and loved results in receiving the most perfect gifts. Don’t you agree?

Why is it then, that I sometimes question what I receive from God? He is the One who knows me (us) best and offers gifts with the greatest love; so how can I think they are anything less than perfect?

“O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!”
Psalm 139:1-4,6 (NLT)

God knows EVERYTHING about us. He knows us better than we know ourselves, His love is more than we can comprehend, and yet, when those items I have on my prayer-list aren’t delivered in the way I’d hoped, I question God’s choices for me. Maybe you’ve done that, too.

When we’re offered a different job than the one we really wanted, that relationship we long for doesn’t happen, our plans change and take us where we never imagined we would be, or a multitude of other things we’re given in this life, can leave wondering why we’ve received the “white elephant” instead of the “special treat” we’d expected.

Here’s the thing: all the situations listed above are not just gifts, but the most perfect gifts I have received from God. Every teaching job I tried for was a dead end except Circleville School which was NOT on my wish-list. I’d given up on finding “the one” and then met him the first week after moving to rural West Virginia where I’d never considered going. The result? A better life than I could ever imagine. Did I recognize them as perfect gifts in the moment? Definitely not. Do I know now, without a doubt, that I’m known and loved well by the Father? Definitely!  I have to be honest, sometimes I have trouble remembering it. I guess I’m still a work in progress. You too?

The truth is, the long list of wants I’ve had for my life is growing shorter the older I become AND the more I get to know the Giver. In fact, I’m hard pressed to think of much I need that He hasn’t already given. Yes, being known and loved truly does result in receiving the most perfect gifts! Don’t you agree?

“Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!”
2 Corinthians 9:15 (NLT)

16 thoughts on “Receive ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Cindy Post author

    Jane, you are too kind to me. You’ll never know what your support means to me! Thank you with all my heart!

  2. Jane

    I actually posted in 5 minute Friday today – but it’s been such a long time I forgot to add that the post was for Five Minute Friday. Thank you for being my friend who encourages me in good ways and helps me remember that I am a writer.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh dear Jane, it is ever so easy to remind you you’re a writer because you are a wonderful one, and a wonderful encouragement to me! Thank you.

  3. Andrew M Budek-Schmeisser

    Do I wish now for it all,
    healing, and another chance?
    And I go back to The Wall,
    and my life’s but a backward glance.
    The names become the faces,
    the faces have their voices;
    are graven words their graces,
    or are these our stern choices,
    to speak for those who nae returned,
    to speak for futures lost,
    to speak for all the hopes were burned
    and justify the cost
    to folks on the tourist trail
    that somehow justice will prevail.

    Barb will scatter some of my ashes, secretly, at The Wall.

  4. Lesley

    I agree, those thoughtful gifts from those who know and love us are the best! And I love the link you make with God’s gifts. It’s true, the things he gives aren’t always what we want and we may not always appreciate them, but we can trust that he loves us and knows what we really need.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Yes Lesley, and I hope I’m learning to trust Him more and more in His giving. I so appreciate you taking time to comment. Thank you.

    1. Cindy Post author

      I agree with Annette too, Sandra! Like I said, a work in progress. Thank you so much for taking your time to stop in and comment. It’s a blessing to me.

  5. Rishie Johnstone

    I really enjoyed your post. it’s very encouraging when things get difficult, to remember that we will look back one day and see how god used the hard times in ways we never could have expected.

    1. Cindy Post author

      You are so right Rishie! I hope someday to get to the point that I can see the gift in the midst of mess and not have to wait until I look back. I am a slow learner tho….I really am grateful to you for taking your time to comment. It means more to me than you know.

    1. Cindy Post author

      You took the words right out of my head and heart Annette! Thank you for sharing here. It means the world to me!

  6. Jane anderson

    I couldn’t love this more. You have a beautiful story here. You’ve covered the word in prose that’s peaceful and lyrical.


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