Need ~ Day 1 of 31-Day Writing Challenge

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NLT)

Day 1: “Need”⁣

We are a generation of stuff, overrun with things we think we need. The proof is on our porches, in outbuildings, our closets, self-storage units, and in my own garage. I used to teach my Second Graders the difference between a want and a need. It’s a lesson I’ve been reminded of in the last few months and one most of us could use a refresher on. Really, we only need the basics for life like food, water, and shelter. All the rest we can get by without. Difficult, challenging times make it clearer than ever that “things” are not what will sustain us. ⁣

The chorus to the hymn above has run on replay in my mind for weeks now. “I need Thee, oh I need Thee. Every hour I need Thee.” Maybe you’re like me and have found yourself in the midst of an unexpected situation in which you have no control over or the strength to face on your own. That’s when we learn what needs are truly essential: the Bread of Life (John 6:35), the Living Water (John 4:14), and the Shelter of the Most High (Psalm 91:1). ⁣

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)⁣

God, who sees us at our worst and best, strongest and weakest, when we’re rejoicing and grieving, knows what we want, but more importantly, He knows and is able to provide exactly what we need, not just for ourselves, but so we might share with others. God’s abundant blessings of praying friends, supportive communities, encouraging church families, and overwhelming love from others doing “good work” have been what’s helped my family endure these past months. So now it’s my turn to richly give those in need, not stuff, but the abiding, overflowing love we’ve been shown. A love that sustains not just life now, but for eternity. #31Days2021 #writingprompt #fmfparty #1/31

13 thoughts on “Need ~ Day 1 of 31-Day Writing Challenge

  1. Suzette K.

    I enjoyed your post. As I enter retirement I’m starting to clean closets and declutter cabinets and drawers in a narrowing down process. It’s like a new beginning
    and I’m asking myself questions…What what do I need? What do I want? Why?

  2. Sandra K Stein

    Love this post.
    We seem to have been on the same wavelength this week, but I think you managed to express my thoughts a whole lot better than I was able to.😄
    Visiting from #26

  3. Jane

    Oh how I understand the ‘stuff’ that is stuffed everywhere. I have been to a couple of estate sales this summer and it has been windows to my heart. I saw so many things treasured by their owners at one time but could tell they had been stored away like rejected trash. I have a very small home and I know I have a whole lot more than I need and certainly a whole lot more than I want. I would like to adopt your idea
    ” to richly give those in need, not stuff, but the abiding, overflowing love we’ve been shown”. It’s a lifestyle that brings joy to our heavenly father as well as to those we give to. And let’s be honest, when Jesus is happy we are happy.

  4. Lesley

    Lovely post, Cindy! It is encouraging to remember that God knows exactly what we need and that he also gives us enough to share with others.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you Lesley! Yes it’s encouraging to me too. Now I just need to trust Him with it!🤪 I am definitely more aware of the sharing with others now, after the amazing kindness shown to our family! Such a gift!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Amen to that! Think of what we’d miss out on if He gave us what WE want! Thank you for stopping in Cindy!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Juliana, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sung those words in the last three months. I’d even wake up in the night and they’d be playing in my head. It was so true though, I needed Him to see me through! Thank you so much for taking time to comment!

  5. Randy Ehle

    Stuff. Oh, how overwhelming stuff can be. We need more boxes. A bigger moving truck. Add a trailer. Unpack it into the garage or the storage unit … and let it sit and collect dust and rat droppings as the batteries corrode. And all that stuff we needed so much just consumes space and money and anxiety (“what if there’s a fire?”). And yet “the Lord has given us everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). If only I could live as if that were true.


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