January Share Four Somethings

My goodness, this month flew by! The days just kind of blur one into another and I easily lose track. That’s why I want to be dedicated to joining each month and share “Four Somethings” at http://www.heathergerwing.com .  (You can, too!) I didn’t do too well last year (well, last year was a weird one, wasn’t it?) Anyway, I hope to do better in 2021. So here we go:

January Share Four Somethings

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NLT)

Something Loved

Since retiring, I’ve been trying to add new recipes to my menu each week. Whether main dish, side dish, or dessert cooking new things brings me joy and I’m especially happy when something in a meal is a big hit. This month’s most loved thing to tickle the tastebuds was Sloppy Joe Soup. Not only did my recipe “guinea pigs” enjoy it, they also have asked me to share it with others. Now, that’s a sign they really did love it! And what’s not to love? Easy, simple ingredients, and great taste; not to mention a wonderful dish on these cold, winter evenings. It’s found a place in my recipe book for sure. One of my love languages is most certainly cooking, so for this gal, having something loved from my kitchen is truly a gift!

“Well then, what shall I do? I will pray in the spirit, and I will also pray in words I understand. I will sing in the spirit, and I will also sing in words I understand.” 1 Corinthians 14:15 (NLT)

Something Read/Said

 This past Christmas I continued a new tradition I began in 2019 of having a Community Prayer Tree in the small park across from my house. As the prayer requests came in, I hung them on the tree and then each day in December I prayed over each one. It has become a very meaningful experience for me. This year there were so many heartbreaking situations and honestly, I wondered if I was “the one” to be lifting them up. Since then I’ve decided to learn more about God’s plan for us in prayer, so I’m doing a search in His Word to hopefully (with His help) gain wisdom before next year’s tree is set up. That’s where my something read/said comes in. Years ago, I read and loved the “Yada Yada Prayer Group” series by Neta Jackson. And in God-wink fashion, my books were just recently returned to me after being shared for years. Perfect timing right? I took the hint and once again am reading them. It didn’t take me too many pages to know that I will be encouraged by the words in these books, too.

“I want to learn how to worship You, Jesus. I want a bigger faith. I want to learn how to pray. And, yes, I want to know what You created me for…”
~The Yada Yada Prayer Group, Book 1


“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 (NIV)

Something Treasured

Oh. My. Goodness! To say that this treasure is priceless is an understatement! This is our very first ever, letter from a grandchild! I am a BIG fan of real mail! For as long as I can remember I’ve sent cards and letters regularly to those I care about or am thinking of. So of course, I write to the boys, sending pictures I’ve drawn for them with simple messages of love from “MiMi and Pop Pop”. Never did I expect a handwritten note so soon, (5 years old!) but that’s exactly what I found when I opened the envelope. There may have been a few tears shed…. For now, this treasure is hanging on the fridge, but eventually it will find its place in the pages of my Bible where all treasure is found!

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NLT)

Something Ahead

Who knew practicing something could be so much fun? Learning to use my new camera has brought me so much enjoyment! I’ve always been an observant person but now, I see potential photos everywhere, which isn’t always good, especially when driving the WV mountain roads I do! There’s so much beauty in the everyday that we miss, but looking through my lens I’ve found it in so many unexpected places. Now, I can’t get enough, so I’m looking forward to finding an online photography class to help me use my camera to its fullest (right now I am only at the elementary level). So, with a little more knowledge and a lot more practice, I hope there will be many more photos ahead so I can share God’s beauty with others!

January has been a month of being full: full of good food, God’s Word, love, and beauty. Now, that’s a month to celebrate! What about you? What did January have to offer? I’d love for you to share your “Four Somethings” with me in the comments. And as always, you being here with me is something I celebrate everyday! God bless and I pray February brings us all much joy!

9 thoughts on “January Share Four Somethings

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thanks for hosting Heather! I think it is such a creative, fun link up! I hope I won’t procrastinate this year and miss out joining every month!
      Sloppy Joe Soup:
      1 lb browned hamburg
      15 oz can Manwich
      1 can Campbells Minestrone soup (I also added a soup can of water)
      15 oz dark kidney beans
      15 oz light kidney beans
      15 oz can diced tomatoes
      Put in crockpot for 4 hours on low (I’m sure it would work on the stove too)
      **In the last hour I added a half bag of frozen corn and I’m glad I did!

  1. Anita Ojeda

    I can’t wait until my grandson writes me a letter :). We FaceTime a lot these days, and he’s a font of knowledge. Yesterday, he told me about internal organs–such as the heart, the gall bladder, and the bladder. He also informed me that our urine has hydrogen. Did I mention he’s only four? Where do kids come up with these things?! He knows more about urine than I do!

    I hope you enjoy your new camera! What kind did you get?

    1. Cindy Post author

      Haha! They are too smart for us aren’t they! Carson was telling me about rotation and revolution the other day and he’s 5! I was so surprised to get a letter from him, especially since they haven’t been able to be in school so he hasn’t had much practice at writing! It is a treasure for sure. I hope yours comes soon! Thanks for taking your time to comment. I really enjoy it!

  2. Cathy

    Ah, sweet friend, what a privilege to have been recipient over the years of your delicious cooking, your fervent prayers on behalf of me and my family, your perfectly timed snail mail, and recently your beautiful photos of nature. Thank you for sharing your many gifts and your reflections on your 4 Somethings! Love you much!

    1. Cindy Post author

      God Bless You Girlfriend! I have been the grateful recipient of your many gifts too! Thank you for stopping here and commenting! I know how busy life is. It really means a lot to me!

  3. Jodie Barrett

    oh so fun, Cindy! I love to cook also. Sharing my cooking brings me joy, but there haven’t been too many opportunities to do so this month. I think we are kindred spirits. We like many of the same things 🙂 I love the Neta Jackson series, Yadda Yadda Prayer Group. I know God will prepare you and me for whatever next year holds at the prayer tree. HIs faithful love is with us!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I love having a kindred spirit and it reminds me of another favorite, Anne of Green Gables! I am so grateful God has brought me alongside you in my Prayer Tree journey! Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to stop in here and leave a comment. It is a gift!


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