Impulse ~ Five Minute Friday

“All you that are righteous be glad because of what the LORD has done! Remember what the holy God has done, and give thanks to him.” Psalm 97:12 (GNT)

Look For the Joy

This picture popped up in my Timehop today and my first impulse was to quickly swipe it away. Looking, even in a glance, brought so many memories to the surface. Difficult memories, such heartache filled memories that at first I didn’t want to be reminded of, but then, just as quickly I decided to look more closely at this photo taken two years ago of my youngest grandson and me and something changed. My heartache became heartfelt gratitude.

Just two weeks prior to this picture our little one laid in a hospital bed hooked up to more tubes and wires then you can imagine fighting for his life. We were still in shock with all that had happened but as you can see, he was (and is) a miracle. In those fourteen days he’d returned to us the playful, smiling, precious boy we knew despite all he was going through. So today, that’s what I’m choosing to let this picture help me remember.

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” James 1:2 (NLT)

You and I know that life IS difficult and filled with much heartache. I don’t know about you, but when I’m in the midst of it all, looking at a trial as “great joy” doesn’t come naturally. I’m learning though, that when we can go back days, months, or yes, even years and picture all that God has accomplished, the blessings received, and how far we’ve come, that despite all the suffering, joy CAN be found!

This is a hard time of year for our family as we recall the events two years ago. Our first impulse is to look away because it’s just too painful to revisit those awful days, maybe you know just how that feels too. But James, a servant of God and of Jesus reminds us to reconsider, not to turn from it, but to look more closely at what’s changed. And you know what has? We have. 

“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:3-4 (NLT)

None of us long for troubles to come our way, but when they do there’s comfort when we look to those memories from the past that pop up, focus on how God has seen us through, and noticing all the ways He transformed our weeping to rejoicing, ashes to beauty, and our heartache into joy,…

“Therefore we do not lose heart. For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!”
2 Corinthians 4:16a, 17 (NLT)

I’m linking up with others at again this week. Click over to read more.

5 thoughts on “Impulse ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Dawn Fanshawe

    Hi Cindy. Thank you for sharing from your heart experiences.
    Reading the ‘about you’ bit, I can see myself – except for the curly hair and the musical gifts! And I’m a Nana-D, not a MIMI.
    I also share your hesitation at the ‘consider it pure joy when you suffer trials’ bit! I read that and roll my eyes in shame! I decided it doesn’t mean we are supposed to enjoy trials or even be happy about them, but, ‘for the joy set before us’ we can endure, for His glory.
    Blessings, Cindy. Dawn

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh Dawn, Please forgive my delay in responding to your wise words! Yes! I like looking at our endurance for His glory! I always need reminders to take my focus off myself and place it on God! Thank you for being that for me here! Many blessings to you, too!

  2. Andrew

    Sometimes I go back to the Wall,
    and in its dark reflection
    I think about them, one and all,
    and of their resurrection
    to a place where kunai grass
    is not alive with death,
    and where fear meant that your a**
    was the only place to take a breath.
    They nod, just slightly, back at me,
    un-noticed by the passers-by
    who do not look and do not see
    whom public men had sent to die,
    and who now give a secret smile,
    the mystery; was it worthwhile?

  3. Jane

    What a blessing for your family to have you as Mom and Grandma! I can’t imagine going through all the things that your family has gone through, but it is a joy to see the progress that set in has made. Thank you for sharing your story with such deep truth and feeling.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh Jane, I know you know great pain as well. May we both look for the joy! Thank you for you kind, sweet words! You’re a gift to me!


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