I’m Marked


"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12

“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12

I’m Marked

My mirror tells a story

I don’t want to hear.

Of passing time, sagging skin

And other things I fear.

Wrinkles, laugh lines,

A hair on my chin?

How can this be my outside

When I still feel young within?

Age spots, freckles,

A scar by my eye.

I’m marked head to toe

By years passing by.

Just about the time

I begin to despair,

A still, small voice says;

“See My masterpiece there!”

Leaning into the glass

I look long and deep,

The reflection I saw

Caused me to weep.

For it was at this moment

My heart began to sing,

Because dear friends,

I’d forgotten one thing.

I’m marked on the inside!

Saved by His grace!

My sins are forgiven,

Jesus died in my place!

Each hair on my head,

The reflection I see,

Is all part of His plan

For me being ME!

The face is the same

But the story is new.

I’m a woman marked by God

Seeing the beauty of His love shine through!

This post was written as part of #livefreeThursday.  Pop over to http://www.tsuzanneeller.com to read more about being marked by God!



12 thoughts on “I’m Marked

  1. Patty

    CindySue, Ah, the outside. Maybe we should do away with mirrors? Here is how I look at it – I’m never going to be any cuter than I am now – so let the “shoulds” and ” I wishes” and “if onlys” go. And, get on with the business of living. I think of friends Mark and I met when we were in our 20’s and they in their 80’s. They were no longer exactly ” beautiful” , but the love, grace, generosity of spirit,and laughter they shared with each other, and with everyone they met, was a gift for the world. What an example they gave to us in our early married lives!

    I love your poem, and I love you. xoxoxoxo PattyJean

    1. Cindy Post author

      Patty Jean, this is a blog post in itself! Thank you for your wisdom. I will try and put it into action! I love you too!

  2. Laura Colaw Menas

    Beautiful as if you were 22 again. I see more blessings in your age. I see a wise, smart, and experienced woman who cares about her God, family and friends. You were always inspiring and now in retirement, share more with us so we can continue to be inspired by you.

  3. Julie Lefebure

    Beautiful, touching poem. I love how God prompted you to share your gifts through your words here. So glad I stopped over! Yes, you are a beautifully marked woman of God. Bless you!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh, thank you Julie! I really appreciate you taking time to comment. I’m trying to learn to look past those age spots and gray hairs to see God’s me. Some days it’s easier than others!

  4. Darcy

    What a beautiful poem! Love that you took the prompt and wrote a poem. It’s a beautiful reminder that it’s about how He marked us on the inside not what is on the outside!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Aw, thank you Darcy! It’s just the way it came out of me today. It’s a battle to not be focused on the outside. I’m trying to learn to see myself in a new way. I so appreciate you taking the time to comment.

  5. Kim Riley

    Cindy, I needed this today! I just left the doctor’s office. One bad knee was enough pain, but now both of them are bad. Knee replacement someday, but not yet. Not enough pain and limited mobility to do it yet. Doc says no getting down in my knees, hands and knees… And I’m a gardener, I spend most of my time on my knees, weeding, digging, planting. He says that even with replacement parts, I won’t be able to get down on my knees. I’ve got arthritis and lupus and I feel like pieces of me are being chipped away every day. I’m 62, but inside I’m still 25. I know that outwardly I’m wasting away, but I am renewed by my God inwardly day by day. Thank you for writing this poem, thank you for reminding that Christ sees me as beautiful regardless of the wrinkles and bumps and spots and broken veins and stretch marks and so on…

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh Kim! What a day you’ve had! I’m so sorry and will say a prayer for those knees of yours! I do feel like a stranger sometimes when I look at myself in a mirror or photo. I can really let myself get tangled up in all this aging stuff so I’m going to try harder to remember that this is how I was created to be! I so appreciate you taking the time to comment. It means a lot to me!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thanks Crystal! Just the way it came to me today. Being a former Second Grade teacher, my mind kinda works in rhyme!? I sure appreciate you taking the time to comment!


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