Darkness~Five Minute Friday

“For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!” Ephesians 5:8 (NLT) / Pixabay

Complete Darkness

Living in a place where others come to vacation is a gift!  I love hearing tourists’ comments about the beauty of my little corner of the world! I live in the shadow of the highest point in the state which offers views that take your breath away.  Not far from me are rocks that draw climbers from all over and just down the road are amazing caverns formed millions of years ago by water dissolving the limestone that is plentiful in our area. Drip by drip, magnificent formations grew in to what is now a popular destination.

Taking the caverns tour has been a favorite of our guests and each time we go through I’m still awed by the artistry buried below the earth’s surface; created not by man, but by God’s hand. Once we’ve descended deep into the cave, the tour guide warns that we are about to experience the most feared part of the cavern. It’s not bats (although they’re there). It’s not rocks falling from above (even though some have). No, the scariest part of being in the cavern? Complete darkness!

Once the lights are turned off… You. See. Nothing. Your hand in front of your face? Not there! The person standing next to you? Gone! The longer you are engulfed in the blackness the more uncomfortable it becomes. Your eyes don’t adjust, moving is impossible, and all sense of your surroundings is lost. As your heart rate increases, panic begins to set in!

Doesn’t life sometimes cause us to feel exactly like we’re stranded in complete darkness?  The answer we long for? Not there! Hope we’ve been searching for? Gone! The blackness of fear, grief, frustration, and so much more becomes unbearable. In panic, we look in all directions but are still unable see where to go. We. Can’t. Move.

Back in the cave, just when you wished you were anywhere else, the guide’s flashlight turns on. Here’s the amazing thing: the small glow from that one flashlight illuminates the beauty of the place you’d just felt helpless in! Even more amazing, is that we have a Guide in life who leads us to find beauty in the dark places, too!

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world.  If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.””
John 8:12 (NLT)

In our darkest hours, God offers The Light. On the gloomiest days, He shines The Light. When we’re wishing to be anywhere other than where we are, His Light is waiting right there to guide our way. It may be just a tiny glimmer, but when we look toward It, we’re able to see the next step where we hadn’t before.

When on the tour, it’s easy while standing in the abyss of complete darkness to forget the beauty that surrounds you, even though it’s right within your reach.  It takes a light to remind you of the majesty you’re in the midst of. The same is true for us; feeling as if we’re in complete darkness steals joy, hope, and beauty from our lives.  It’s when we remember to turn to His Majesty: The Light of the World, that we are reminded that Jesus has overcome the darkness completely: not just for today or tomorrow but for all eternity! Feeling lost in the dark? Just follow The Light and then BE the light for others!

Today’s prompt at  http://www.fiveminutefriday.com is “darkness” so pulled this post from the archives to share.  Click on over to see what enlightening things the other talented writers have to say about darkness.

16 thoughts on “Darkness~Five Minute Friday

  1. Anita Ojeda

    I have a love-hate relationship with caves and caverns ;). I enjoy seeing the beauty, but I don’t like thinking about where I am! I spent six week about five summers ago in Cullowhee, and I went to the top of the highest mountain in NC–I must have been near you!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I pretty much dislike caves! I have made myself take the tours when we’ve had visitors though. I’m Much happier to stay above ground! You were a couple states away from me but you’ll have to come see the view from our highest point!

  2. Lesley

    I don’t fancy being in that cave in the darkness! It is a good illustration though of how lost we are without Jesus. I’m so glad the light has come and we don’t have to walk in darkness!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I’m not a fan either Lesley! They are beautiful but I don’t like to be in closed in places at all. I’ve made myself go on the cave tours when we’ve had company but I would rather never have to go back under again! I am also grateful for Jesus, our Light in a dark world! Thank you for taking your time to comment.

  3. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    I’ve been within the grip of night,
    buried ‘neath the smoking ground,
    robbed of sore-needed sight,
    and bereft of any sound.
    I’ve felt the frantic hands of friends
    clawing back the blazing earth;
    ‘dark’ isn’t how the story ends
    for they gave me bright rebirth.
    In the tearing wrath of war
    I have found truth’s destiny,
    that whatever may have gone before,
    my mates would not abandon me.
    Yes, I mocked them, took the piss,
    and in return, I got life’s kiss.

    #1 at FMF this week

  4. Coppelia

    Oh wow. Cindy, God knew I needed to read this today. And He used YOU to speak to my heart. Wow. That line you wrote really got to me: “the small glow from that one flashlight illuminates the beauty of the place you’d just felt helpless in!” I’m in a weird limbo, waiting on confirmation before officially making a decision, wondering if we need to move in faith before everything is in place. It’s definitely a bit of a dark, helpless moment. Thank you for the reminder to keep my eyes on Jesus because He will make clear the path we should take … or if we should stay where we are and have our eyes opened to the beauty of the place where we are. In the meantime, I’ll keep praying.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh, Coppelia! You have touched my heart so with your words! Can you believe I actually almost didn’t post this! And when I finally did it was right next to yours! God is great! I have sure been where you are and it is that same uncomfortable feeling as if in complete darkness. I will stop and pray that you will soon see your next step clearly as soon as I post this. You’ll never know how much I appreciate you taking your time to leave me these words. Cindy

  5. Carol

    I was late with my FMF post too. We were finishing a week in Kansas with the grandkids. You have so beautifully described the light that God gives us through Jesus. Wonderful post!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh Carol, a week with grandkids sounds wonderful! Our beach week with our grands got cancelled by Florence. Hoping for next year! I want you to know how much your kind words mean to me. Thank you for commenting, Cindy

  6. Janis Cox

    What a delightful post. I found you on FMF. I love both the completely content and the complete darkness. Where are your caverns?
    Blessings on a great article.
    #63 on FMF
    I post on Medium but my website it janiscox.com

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you Janis! I’m in West Virginia. There are actually two Caverns open to the public near me and others where only brave spelunkers (not me) can go. I am grateful to you for taking your time to comment. Have a great week, Cindy

  7. Karen

    Wow! I love where you went with this! Your descriptions are very powerful and I felt as if I was in the cavern in complete darkness too. Thanks for sharing. FMF #61 this week.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you Karen! It is an eerie feeling to be down in the cave and have the lights go out. I’m not too keen on closed in spaces anyway so I’m always glad when they come back on! I really appreciate you taking time to comment! Have a great week, Cindy


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