Chapter ~ Five Minute Friday

“I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” Psalm 130:5

Leaf Lesson

Despite its fall-like appearance, this is actually what my Japanese Maple tree looks like today in the height of spring. Unfortunately it got ahead of itself. Buds formed early and soon (too soon) new, frilly leaves covered the branches before the other trees even began to show signs of life. I actually pointed it out to my husband telling him that our young tree looked fuller and prettier than it ever had. But then came the frost warning. And then the deadly frost. As you can see, what should have been, could have been, a tree full of life now only displays a limited smattering of its once beautiful, red leaves. 

Springing into action rather than waiting, I’ve at times found myself in the same situation as this over eager tree. I pray for something. The answer is slow (to me) in coming. I pray again. Seemingly nothing and so, I branch out on my own (too soon), ignore any warnings I sense, and end up realizing that by not waiting for God’s perfect timing, the “should have, could have” I’d prayed for was hindered by my rushing ahead. Instead of the full, beautiful result, I instead had little to show for all MY effort.

We can get to a place where we just want God to write a new chapter in our lives and so maybe we pray for love but jump too quickly into a bad relationship, ask for guidance about a new job then out of fear accept what turns out to be the wrong position, or lift up a dream of something we long for, watch others seem to get what they want and so compromise our finances to keep up. Can you relate? The list can go on and on. Ask me how I know….

Here’s the crazy thing too, even if I don’t necessarily act, my thoughts form early and grow at a rapid rate detailing all the scenarios of how I THINK God should answer my prayer! My mind is so full of MY expectations that I know I’ve often missed God’s actual perfect answer for me. Sound familiar? Think the Pharisees! Yikes!

“Then his people believed his promises. Then they sang his praise. Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done! They wouldn’t wait for his counsel!”
Psalm 106:12-13 (NLT)

The reality is my maple tree didn’t have a choice about forging ahead early instead of waiting, but we do. It’s not something we’re (I’m) always good at doing, “waiting for his counsel,” but it’s the lesson those shriveled leaves I see out my kitchen window are teaching me:

Eager for a new season in life? Pray and wait.
Hoping to turn a page? For that different chapter? Pray and wait.
Want evidence of real growth? Pray and wait.
Longing to see beauty again where it once was? Pray and wait.
Prayed and still waiting? Remember “what He has done” and patiently wait some more.

“Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.”
Psalm 27:14 (NLT)

This is written as part of where I’ve joined in with others to write to the prompt “Chapter”. Click over to read more.

3 thoughts on “Chapter ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Andrew

    So thrilled that I got it done,
    my dear beloved book,
    that I didn’t walk before the run,
    and took the leap before the look
    into indie publishing
    with no preparation,
    thinking its virtues would take wing,
    but to my consternation
    I realized I was way behind
    in understanding how to sell,
    and was fully deaf and blind
    in the platform stuff as well,
    so writing dream done lost its blood,
    and in that world, my name is mud.

  2. Sandra K. Stein

    This spoke to me, bringing back memories of the times I did just that.
    I wonder how my life would have turned out if I had not been in such a rush to try and help God out instead of waiting on His timing.

  3. Jane Anderson

    I so identify with your story. My marriage at barely 17 is the most painful example of getting the cart before the horse. Or more critically, getting ahead of God. My serous boyfriend was going to enlist in the Air force and I wanted to go with him and travel.the world. I insisted my parents let me get married. Then he realized his lottery number was so high he would never get drafted. He didn’t enlist. The chapter of my life started and it turned out to be a story I prayed a million times would end. By the grace of God and only by the grace of God we stayed together. We spent a year apart after 22 years..We have now been happily married for 52 years. It is never ever good to get ahead of God. I’m sure I have made many mistakes besides this one, but the ramifications of getting ahead of God last forever.


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