Better ~ Five Minute Friday

Linking up with the talented writers over at where the idea is to write for five minutes to a given prompt. I love writing to a prompt! Sticking to five minutes? Not so much.  I always try but usually don’t stop. But it’s the first post in 2019 and I’m ready to give it another go!

Time starts now!

The Better Story

“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!’ ” John 20:27 (NLT)/ Pixabay

Rain had been coming down for what seemed like weeks.  It sure didn’t feel like it was only a few days before Christmas, but the calendar told a different story. Of course, there was lots I still needed to get done and in my attempt to check things off my list, I was rushing here and there. You know what can happen when you’re in a hurry, don’t you? Without warning my feet flew completely out from under my body and Wham! I found myself unexpectedly sprawled out on the wet sidewalk! Thankfully, nothing was broken so I slowly returned to my upright position.  Pain accompanied me each step of the way as I completed the stops I had yet to make. It wasn’t until arriving home and taking off my jacket that I realized my elbow had taken the brunt of the fall. The evidence was bright red on the sleeve of my shirt.

I didn’t have time for stitches! It wasn’t on my agenda! Still, there I was with my arm propped up on a shiny silver table while skilled hands kindly put me back together. It didn’t take long for bruises to appear, muscles to protest, and a sense of gratitude to set in; as I realized I’d been spared a worse fate.

I’m much better now! Dark purple splotches** have faded to yellowish-green and pain from many pulled muscles has diminished. Where stitches once were woven into my skin, a scar now remains. A scar that will to me, always serve as a reminder and a prompt to the story….”remember the Christmas when I not so gracefully laid spread out on the sidewalk and shed blood in an attempt to give my all to a to-do list?”

We’ve all had wounds that left scars to tell stories of our lives. But, isn’t it amazing that there is One whose wounds and scars save our lives?

“He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 (NLT)

Jesus shed his blood, gave his all, so that I could be healed. You could be healed. Because of God’s grace, Jesus took the brunt of the fall of man, spreading his arms out on the cross and taking our sins with him. Our dark splotches become white, our pain diminishes, and where we’d once been bound by sin, He now remains. His scars become ours to bear. They serve as a reminder to each of us to tell the story.  His story. The better story! The one with a happy ending. The story that fills us with such gratitude when we realize that we’ve been spared a much worse fate. It’s a story that’s meant to be shared again and again, because it gets better and better every time it’s told!



8 thoughts on “Better ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Anita Ojeda

    AWW, I’m so sorry you took a nasty tumble! But I love the point you make. Jesus has a better story for us, and keeping our eyes and ears open to listen to it is a great way to live our lives.

    1. Cindy Post author

      I love finding inspiration from God in my everyday situations! It often makes me laugh at what I can learn lessons from! Thank you for stopping in Anita!

  2. Marie

    I’m so sorry that you fell, but I love the perspective you share here. I’m so glad you’re part of this little writing community, Cindy. We are richer for knowing you. 🙂

    1. Cindy Post author

      God Bless you Marie! You made me cry! I so appreciate all your encouragement and I am so glad you are back too! I feel lucky to be able to learn from such talented writers! Happy New Year, Cindy

  3. Julie Lefebure

    Thank you for sharing your story, friend. Love the connection you made here with the better story. So good! I pray you are healing well and quickly, and I’m sorry you fell! I appreciate this lesson and reminder!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you, Julie! I am pretty much healed from that crazy fall just a couple tender spots left. I like that God showed me a lesson in it! Hope you are feeling better too! Thank you for taking your time to comment! Cindy

  4. Lauren Sisley

    “Our dark splotches become white, our pain diminishes, and where we’d once been bound by sin, He now remains.”–I love this. It’s always funny to see God speaking to us in the weirdest circumstances. He’s got a sense of humor that he can use a slip on the sidewalk to teach us about His nature and to bring us back into alignment with him. I’m glad you are doing better and that you were able to draw near during this time. I am visiting from FMF where I am your neighbor 🙂

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh Lauren! I find God’s lessons in so many funny places…one time even my tupperware cupboard! Haha! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. This fall certainly got my attention and I am so thankful it was really just an inconvenience and not something worse! Happy New Year, Cindy


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