Bear ~ Write 28 Days

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:7(ESV)


Taking a photo walk in the woods I spotted something I couldn’t identify. Thinking at first that it was a dead animal I hesitated to venture any closer. Realizing (a little later than I should have) that I held a zoom lens in my hand, I focused in on the mysterious find. To my surprise it was a Teddy Bear with no clue as to how it got there.

A sense of sadness overtook me as I looked through the view finder. What was meant to be loved and cherished was instead laying in the midst of decaying leaves, a most unexpected place, abandoned and alone and it hit close to home.

Maybe you, like me, at one time or another have found yourself in a situation you never anticipated you’d be in: illness, betrayal, finances, failures, any of those things that can leave us laid out flat. Our comfortable lives suddenly fall to pieces and instead of sensing God’s love, we find ourselves lonely and feeling forsaken.

“The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;”
Psalm 34:17-18a (NLT)

When we are surprised by life with no idea how we got where we are, the Psalmist reminds us that unlike the poor bear in the woods, WE are not on our own. God is near, and when we call to him, He hears and binds our hearts with His love.

I don’t have any idea who that bear belongs to, but because of Jesus we each can know to Whom we belong and we can be sure that He’ll never fail or abandon us. Yes, there may be times we feel lost and alone but my friends God sees us and He knows exactly where we are.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
Luke 19:10(NLT)

4 thoughts on “Bear ~ Write 28 Days

  1. Maryleigh

    So glad that when we are lost, God is right there! This went straight to my heart: “What was meant to be loved and cherished was instead laying in the midst of decaying leaves.” Though those in the world who are supposed love and cherish us, sometimes they don’t – but God does!!! Beautiful, redeeming hope!


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