Agree to Disagree ~ Five Minute Friday

I look forward to Five Minute Friday!  It’s always fun to see where it leads my little brain! Today’s prompt is “Agree”.  If you’d like to see more thoughts on the subject click over to

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12: 9-10, 18 (NLT) / Pixabay

We couldn’t be more different, my husband and I.  From the moment we met, when this city girl shook up his country world, it was evident that there was little upon which we would agree.  He’s talk radio and I’m music up full blast.  Sweet tea with a little ice is his preferred drink; Mine? Unsweet with ice to the max.  He’s an early bird. I’m an owl.  We have dueling thermostats. Mine usually requires a sweater while he’s in short sleeves.  Sleep number? His, high. Mine, low.  And when his head hits the pillow? He’s fast asleep, while my mind whirls and twirls before I finally drift off.  And after all this time, the list continues to grow.

They say opposites attract and for thirty-four years and counting we’ve been proof it’s true. It hasn’t always been easy; but early on we made the decision to just agree to disagree on the simple stuff.  More importantly though, we realized that when it comes to things of greater significance: our faith, our mutual respect, our love for each other and our family, we’re on the  exact, same page.  Our differences have generated laughter, prompted discussion, expanded our understanding of things, and added variety to our lives; but it’s those core values we agree on that have made our relationship possible.

“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body.  We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.  In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” Romans 12:4-6 (NLT)

Our world today seems focused on all the ways we are dissimilar in an attempt to force us further and further apart. I’m afraid it’s working.  How about a different approach? What if we applied a little magnetic science (and the experience of an old married couple) and allowed ourselves to be drawn to those “opposites” we come in contact with? Think of the laughter we might share, the new things we could learn, the better understanding we would have if we would give “agree to disagree” a chance! I believe we’d begin to see people sharing more mutual respect, genuine care being given, commonalities discovered, and relationships being formed.  I don’t know about you but this beach girl married to a mountain man thinks that’s exactly what this world needs more of!

Time’s up.


10 thoughts on “Agree to Disagree ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Martha Brady

    hi cindy:) it took me awhile to get my comments done. i’m your next door neighbor at FMF. great post:) we are quite different as well. our 50th anniversary will be this year. it has worked well for us. years ago, when we became missionaries, our personality test plotted our combined personalities as an X:) my highs were his own and vice versa! he is the sweeter and kinder of the 2 of us…and the more humble. he also knows how to say things in a much kinder way. if it weren’t for the things he has taught me in these areas, i would have no friends.
    it has been a wonderful ride together. he has now had some strokes and doesn’t have the memory he once did. i miss parts of his personality that were once there. But i’m glad to have the parts of him left that i do.


    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh, Martha, your comments have touched my heart! It is fun to look back and see how we’ve changed since first meeting. We can trace our influences on each other and see it’s been for good! You’ve inspired me to remember to be thankful in all things. God Bless You and your husband and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me, Cindy

  2. LIz Harper

    Agree. Richard and I are definitely different, as well. He was the fast driving, motor cycle riding, guy. I was the quiet, studious one. Teachers and school personnel thought I was crazy when we dated, including my mom. But we stuck. We dated all through high school, and on an off while I attended college. We dated 7 years, and like you and JD, have been married for 34 years. Some days he still drives me nuts, and I bug him, too. But when it comes to being there for me and the girls, and taking care of me and now, getting me to all my doctor’s appointments and physical therapy, he never misses.
    God has a plan for us, and we just have to trust him.

    1. Cindy Post author

      You’ve got that right Liz! We can’t always see the plan at first but there’s no doubt there is one! Bless you for commenting! Love ya!

  3. LaVonne Hammett

    Cindy, point on and thoughtful blog! Stu and I are just like you and JD. Different temps, different tastes, different politics even! But what is the same is our values. As Rhett said to Scarlet, like has to marry like! It makes for an enduing marriage I think. I too feel that God calls us to use the talents he gave us to do his work. That alone shows that we are a body of like believers that have different talents and, of course, are molded by those talents so won’t always see eye to eye on things. But if our core values or goals are the same, it will all work out. Strong together, divided we fall. Team work! And in the end, the things we disagree about are not often that important, you know, in the big picture. ha ha

    1. Cindy Post author

      My dear big picture girl, you are so right! Working together rather than fighting against each other wins every time! Isn’t it amazing how two such different people can form one strong union! I now enjoy discovering new differences JD and I share and I think we have really learned a lot from each other too! As always your words mean the world to me and I do think you should be writing the blog!!! Seriously!

  4. Lesley

    Mutual respect, even when we disagree, makes a big difference. I love the example of you and your husband and how agreeing on the major things and appreciating each other’s differences makes it easier to manage the smaller things you disagree on.

    1. Cindy Post author

      It’s so funny how our differences at first seemed so significant, but now they’re just a natural part of who we are as individuals and as a couple. It’s all about the focus I think. Thank you so much for taking time to comment. It means a lot to me!

  5. Jennifer

    Isn’t a beautiful marriage that perfect picture of disagreeing – and yet loving? Allow the differences to make us unique…and to contribute our part to the blend. The differences don’t divide but make the marriage better! Great picture. I really enjoyed your post. And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today!! I always enjoy FMF visitors. Have a great weekend!

    1. Cindy Post author

      I agree Jennifer! There is great comfort in the blend! I so appreciate your taking time to comment. I’m learning so much being part of FMF! Enjoy your weekend as well! I’m off to babysit my grandsons!


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