A Divided Heart ~Wise Wednesday 6/28/17

“When a child is born, so are grandmothers.” ~Judith Levy Pixabay

Divided: separated; shared; to diverge; cleave………..

I have decided that being a grandparent causes you to suffer from a “divided heart”. Beginning at the instant you learn your child is having a child, it’s as if a magnetic force immediately draws your thoughts, dreams, prayers, and overwhelming love in the direction of that tiny, beating heart, hidden from the world. 

Fast forward to that breathless moment when the miracle that will call you “MiMi” (replace this with whatever your grands call you or will call you) is placed in your arms.  Everything else fades away. Cradling this precious armful, older heart to brand new heart, it seems they beat in unison, filling a place you didn’t know was empty, and nothing is ever the same again.

Time is both precious and tormenting. The longer you want to savor the sight, breathe in the scent, and caress the tiny fingers and toes of this new person in your life; the faster the minutes, hours, and days seem fly by. All too soon you’re faced with saying goodbye. Your stomach clenches.  Tears flow.  A heart divides.

A temporary condition?  Afraid not. A one time thing? Nope! Carson is two now: my heart?  Still  pulled in different directions.  We’ve recently been blessed with Owen: my heart? The chasm has grown.   The struggle is real! While my very being wants to wipe every tear, experience every milestone, calm every fear, and read bedtime stories every night with my grandsons; I’m also drawn home. My normal: the routine, responsibilities, schedule, and those that wait for me, beckon. Yes, a heart divided….wanting to cling to one place while yearning for the other.

Pondering this heart situation, it has occurred to me that we suffer in a similar way as Christians.  

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
Colossians 3:1-2 (NIV)

Above?  Earthly Things? Earthly things? Above? A heart divided! I  often find myself torn between a heart that is focused on me and my wants and one that is looking to follow God’s plan for my life. Maybe you do, too. And while we want to be home with Christ, where our fears will be calmed and our tears wiped away; to get there, we are faced with saying goodbye to THIS home. We cling to our earthly life and yet yearn for Heaven. Thank goodness God sent Jesus to bridge the gap of our broken hearts! Jesus said:

“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.” “I am the way the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:1-4, 6-7 (NIV)

I wasn’t prepared for the powerful love that comes with being a grandparent. I’m blessed to only live four hours away from the boys and technology helps keep us connected in-between visits.  Goodbyes will always be hard. As my heart continues to pull me in different directions, I pray it reminds me to always stay connected to the One who, with the greatest love of all, is preparing a place for me where my heart will be divided no more.












9 thoughts on “A Divided Heart ~Wise Wednesday 6/28/17

  1. LIz Harper

    Your writings and messages are always a “must read”. I feel the same way about the days I get to watch my grandson, Oliver. My days off are Monday’s and Tuesday’s, those days are also my weekend days, as I work Wednesday’s through Sunday’s. In September, Sheena is expecting a baby girl, and my plans are to go to Elkins a couple of days a week, in the Fall after we close for the season, and spend a couple of days a week with her.

    I long to retire and make the babysitting a more full time role, but I am a few years away from actually drawing a retirement. I feel that is what I should do, for my family, as well as my spiritual and physical health, but my brain says, “no income”! Thanks for the message!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Liz, I’m so glad you’re able to help with both of the babies! I wish you could retire too. It has been very positive for me! I’ll pray for things to work out for you. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Barb

    I have missed your wisdom! After getting a taste of what it will be like to be a grandma I understand the tug. Mostly the tug that God wants me closer to him! Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Sue Camarados

    Beautiful, Cindy. I have five grandchildren and as the years go by and they grow up I have become aware of another form of divided heart. Such is the love we feel for, and pour out on, these tiny new beings that there is a danger of putting our own children in the shade by comparison.

    1. Cindy Post author

      Oh, Sue! Thank you for this wisdom! I can totally see how it happens and now I will try and be conscious of it! Your words always inspire me!

  4. Jacquie

    I understand every word of this! Being a grandmother (Mommaw for me) is like no other thing. I thank God every day that the boys are now back in West Virginia and in a place where I could literally see them everyday if I choose to! It’s such a blessing after them being so far away for so long.


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