Tag Archives: something loved

Share Four Somethings ~ June 2020

Time is strange when it’s not anchored by a calendar! With nothing to do or plan for, the days seem to pass one the same as the other.  Sometimes I feel like they drag on forever and yet, here I sit, it’s July 1st, and I have no idea where June went! I’m glad to be joining http://www.heathergerwing.com today for her “Share Four Somethings”. Maybe it will help me hold on to June for just a moment more!

Something Loved

I’m a storyteller at heart.  I think that’s why photographs mean so much to me! Each picture evokes a memory and shares a story. That’s why I loved participating in the #junejoy Instagram Challenge this month. Every day there was a new prompt and I looked forward to searching through my many, many, MANY photos to find just the right one. Some, spoke for themselves, and others allowed me to tell the tale. Pictures and words….now that’s a combination I love!

Something Read

One of my favorite things to do with my grandsons is to read them their bedtime stories. We often choose long-time favorites like Dr. Seuss, Berenstain Bears, Ferdinand the Bull, and many more. But, what’s really fun for me is to discover new “favorites” like this one! “I Wonder” is a cleverly written book that asks its readers questions that make you, well…wonder. As much as I love this book, listening to my littles offer their own answers to these whimsical questions is the best part of reading it! Something read with my grandsons always brings me great joy!

Something Treasured

We’ve just returned from our annual pilgrimage to the beach. When we first began talking about making the trip, I didn’t think it would happen. Mostly because I’m a Nervous Nellie and was apprehensive about traveling out of state (or anywhere for that matter) with everything going on in the world. But, after a lot of prayer and seeking wise advice, I found no one who supported my worry and so I decided to pack up my concerns as I packed the suitcases and we set off on our adventure. Oh, how thankful I am that we did!

We’ve traveled to the same wonderful spot for over twenty years now. And while this trip wasn’t quite the same as we’ve been used to (masks, take out, crowds) my soul was still refreshed by the rhythm of the rise and fall of the sea; and, in a place where many memories have been made with our kids, we now have made new ones with our grandkids to treasure.

Something Ahead

Do you find it hard to make plans these days? I find myself saying, “if this or that doesn’t happen” or “let’s tentatively set”. It’s as if I’m protecting myself from being disappointed if things don’t work out by just not really planning anything because honestly, who expected to be in the situation we’re in now?  I’ve sensed a change in the last week or so though. I’ve begun to think about the possibility of finally visiting my mom in Michigan. We haven’t been together since October and I’m ready for some mother-daughter time for sure! OK, I haven’t written anything on that blank calendar page yet, but I am looking ahead and hoping that by taking all the precautions necessary, we can safely be together very soon!

Well, there you go: June in a few paragraphs. I’m praying that July brings us all peace, health, and things to write on our calendars! I’d love to hear your “Four Somethings”. Share them in the comments so I can learn what your June was like. As always, I so appreciate you stopping in! God Bless!

Share Four Somethings ~April 2020

“Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church-a love marked by giving, not getting. Ephesians 5:25 (The Message)

Something Loved

This montham my something loved! Whether it’s a note left by the full coffee pot when I rise each morning, a bottle of my favorite Dunkin Donuts Iced Mocha Coffee tucked among the groceries (not easy to find in our store), or beautiful spring flowers gathered precariously from the hillside and brought home: I feel loved

Because of his offer to do all of the grocery shopping so I don’t have to go out, the prayers said holding hands at the table, and words he’s spoken to encourage my lagging confidence: I feel loved! 

In our almost 37 years we’ve had many ups and downs, but through it all we’ve learned a valuable lesson, one that we’ve been reminded of in these last few weeks: the importance of showing how much we care for one another! And that’s what we try to do. This month as we’ve spent more time than usual together, I’m reminded what a gift God gave me when He plopped me right in the living room of a young farmer so many years ago! There’s no doubt: I AM loved!


“Therefore, we never stop thanking God that when you received his message from us, you didn’t think of our words as mere human ideas. You accepted what we said as the very word of God-which of course, it is. And this word continues to work in you who believe.” 1 Thessalonians 2:13 (NLT)

Something Read

Oh my goodness! This study has come at just the right time with just the right words I need! Here’s the thing, under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have been able to join in.  Originally, the ladies at Faithfully Following Ministries had planned to study Gideon locally, in North Carolina, where I do not live. But, because of social distancing, they were unable to gather so decided to offer it online. Lucky me! And on top of that, unexpectedly, the publisher has offered the usually costly videos that accompany this study to everyone for free! Everything came together and now we’re about half way through the study. Have I learned so much already! I’ve added it as another “Pandemic Positive” on my list!


“I will remember the works of the LORD; yes, I will remember Your wonders of old. I will reflect on all You have done and ponder Your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77:11-12 (BSB)

Something Treasured

As I wrote in my last blog post, I received a note from my mom in which she included two letters I’d written to her in 1985 right after our county was ravaged by a deadly flood. Reading them took me right back to that scary, uncertain time and reminded me of all the emotions that accompanied that devastation. Unexpectedly, those letters have been an encouragement to me in this crazy time we’re in. They showed me first of all, how much better off I am now than I was back then. Rereading them has also helped me remember how God saw us through that time when we didn’t have any idea what the other side would look like. That’s why I’m treasuring these letters today; because, they reassure me He is at work, seeing us through this pandemic, too! 


“Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD.” Psalm 127:3 (CEV)

Something Ahead

As an ole retired teacher, my heart has been heavy thinking about all the students who are out of school, especially the Seniors and the very young children. Keeping my two and four year old grandsons entertained is challenging under the best of times, but now their mom and dad are trying to work full time from home too. Needless to say, it’s rather stressful! So, I’ve been trying to help out (long distance) a little. I must admit it’s been fun for me to search out and mail activities for the boys to do.  I’ve even found a few that we’ve been able to work on together via FaceTime. Those are my favorite, of course! The most recent is this little greenhouse we made. Now, even though theirs hang in a window four hours away from mine, I’m looking forward to all the discussions ahead that the three of us will have as we watch our beans sprout and grow! I’m not sure though, which are growing faster, the beans or the boys!

Well, there you have it! My Four Somethings for the month of April and while it’s been an unusual month, I have been blessed in many ways! How about you? What are your Four Somethings? I’d love for you to share them in the comments.  I hope you know how much I always appreciate you being here with me and if you’d like to read what others have found their Four Somethings to be, just click over to http://www.heathergerwing.com God Bless you and be well!

Share Four Somethings ~ February

February has been a weather extravaganza!  We’ve had rain and more rain. Sleet, snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures, and today it is sunny and 50 degrees! Plans have had to be changed, there’ve been unexpected challenges, and also moments of immense beauty. We can’t control the weather. It plays with our emotions and definitely gives us something to talk about!  Isn’t that just like life? I pray your life has gone a little more smoothly than the weather has this past month!

I love being part of this link up at http://www.heathergerwing.com where we share “Four Somethings”: Something loved, Something said, Something learned, and Something read each month. Here are mine….

Something Loved

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” Proverbs 31:25-26 (NLT)

I don’t know about you, but these days my mail usually consists of bills, requests for donations, and advertisements for things I don’t want. This month was a little different though because in the midst of the everyday delivery to my mailbox, I unexpectedly found my something loved.

Opening a tiny box revealed a big surprise. Nestled inside, lay a necklace created from my Grandma’s signature. Memories immediately filled my heart and overflowed down my cheeks. The accompanying card, containing words I’ll treasure forever,  was as much a gift as the necklace itself.

Going to the post office that day, I never imagined I’d come away with a blessing. A blessing that reminds me that Grandma’s life is inscribed upon mine and that, inspires me to be to my own grandchildren, who she was to me. This something loved also motivates me to look for unexpected ways to show my love and appreciation for others, just as was so generously done by a special someone, for me.

Something Said

“Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, jus as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 (NLT)

I recently watched a documentary on PBS about Fred Rogers, better known as “Mr. Rogers”. Watching the evolution of his passion for and commitment to his show was inspiring! But more than that, Mr. Rogers’ love for and understanding of children touched my teacher’s heart deeply. His message of kindness and acceptance are timeless and so vital for us today! Here is something he once said that has resonated with me:

“I believe that appreciation is a holy thing–that when we look for what’s best in a person we happen to be with at the moment, we’re doing what God does all the time.  So in loving and appreciating our neighbor, we’re participating in something sacred.” Fred Rogers

Just imagine what our neighborhoods could be like if we would live these words Mr. Rogers said!

Something Learned

“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him that they are?” Matthew 6:26 (NLT)

I’ve learned that birdwatching in my front yard is now so much more exciting, all because of my Valentine’s Day gift!  My husband surprised me with a telephoto lens for my iPhone! Who knew such a thing even existed?

As you can see, it just clips right on to the lens and you’re ready to get those close up shots! Because of the extra weight (of the lens not me)  I’m not as steady as I’d like to be. It will take some practice to produce clear, focused pictures, but I won’t mind at all! Camera + Birds + New Gadget = Learning Fun

Something Read

“I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again. I will bandage the injured and strengthen the weak.” Ezekiel 34:16a (NLT)

Oh. My. Word.  This book!  The story of a wayward donkey who is rescued, cared for, and loved by a family who never expected to be his owners. And while you might think that Flash, the donkey is the lucky one, the story is actually about how he transforms and blesses his people! Rachel Anne Ridge writes in such a way that you feel you’re sitting across the table from her drinking coffee together or on the sofa side by side sharing a bowl of popcorn as she tells you her story of how a large eared donkey taught her about “life, faith, and second chances”. It’s one of those books that I wanted to highlight line after line in!  I can’t wait to read her soon to be released sequel!

Well, there you have it!  February with her ups and downs, sunshine and snow, peaks and valleys is all but finished. What surprises did she bring you? Be sure and let me know in the comments. Until next month, Happy Loving, Listening, Learning, and Reading!