Category Archives: Share Four Somethings

Close ~ Day 31 ~ 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes


This post is part of the October 2018 Edition of 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. I hope you”ll join me in seeing where each prompt takes us.
P.S. Just so you know, I’m finding it difficult to stick to five minutes (**) and it may take me longer than the 31 days to finish all the prompts. Not easy for this rule follower!
You can read more 31 Days entries at

Time to Close

Well, here we are: October’s gone and it’s time to end this year’s 31 Days of Free Writes.  I’m disappointed that I didn’t reach my goal of writing for all 31 prompts. Life got busy but there’s always next year! Anyway, decided to close with my “Four Somethings” for October:

Something Loved

October was full of family and I LOVE when we can spend time together!  Traveled to Washington D.C. for a girl’s weekend. My niece was the perfect tour guide and I didn’t have to worry about a thing (except crossing the streets…those D.C. drivers are something!) My mom then came for a visit.  She left the north but experienced her first snow of the year here in the south! We had a wonderful time! Living apart is hard so spending time together is something I cherish and as a bonus I was able to have extra time with my sisters as we met to “hand mom off” to one another.  Ended the month with a little time out and about with my husband as we explored the beauty close to home.  Overall, it was a fun-filled, love-filled, busy month!

Something Said

Trick or Treaters are a joy to me!  I enjoy seeing the costumes but I especially like to watch the process in which the children decide which treats they want.  Some are very specific and some just grab and go. This year a small group of ghosts and goblins approached my porch and I heard, “I told you Miss Cindy lived here!” The next thing I know I was being hugged by a cute monster who said, “Miss Cindy, I’ve missed you!” Talk about a melted heart!  This ole retired teacher couldn’t have gotten a better treat!

Something Learned

Being  in Washington D.C. was eye opening for this country gal!  Fast paced city life is out of my comfort zone but I really enjoyed experiencing it through the eyes of one who lives and loves it! The sights, sounds, and tastes were new and exciting (for a few days)! While there, I learned the art of using an Uber! Yes, had my first Uber ride and I must say the whole process is quite amazing! Some drivers chit chat.  Some yell at other drivers. Some offer you bottled water. Some vehicles smell lovely and others not so much.  My favorite ride was with a gentleman who had a beautiful, large vehicle. Upon arrival, he got out, opened the doors, and helped us in! It felt quite special traveling like that!  Not sure I could handle Uber on my own yet,  but I’m glad to say it’s something I’ve done!

Something Read

“Freedom is not Free.” I read these powerful words at the Korean War Memorial. They literally stopped me in my tracks.  Yes, I’ve read them before but never while standing in the midst of those who’ve paid the price for my freedom.  While touring the memorials, many Veterans of the wars were standing alongside me.  I could hear some of them telling their family members stories the statues evoked.  Some shared memories with others who’d served with them. Some stood in silence.  And there were tears.  Including mine.  It’s way too easy to take our freedoms in this country for granted.  We even sometimes abuse them!  It was a wake up call for me and I hope this will be for you! We owe a great debt to those men and women who are sacrificing and have sacrificed so much, sometimes everything, to protect our right to freely do, believe, and say whatever we want because Freedom. Is. Not. Free.


I love this idea of “Four Somethings”! If you enjoy it too, you can read more at I encourage you to think about what YOU have loved, heard, learned, and read this month that has touched you in a meaningful way.  Feel free to share here in the comments.  I’d love to hear them!

Why ~ Day 4 ~ 31 Days and Share Four Somethings



This post is part of the October 2018 Edition of 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. I hope you”ll join me in seeing where each prompt takes us.
P.S. Just so you know, I’m finding it difficult to stick to five minutes (**) and it may take me longer than the 31 days to finish all the prompts. Not easy for this rule follower!
You can read more 31 Days entries at

Why Not?

Why not take care of two things at once?  The prompt for today’s 31 Days of Free Writes is “Why” and it’s time to post my September edition of “Four Somethings” so I’ve decided to combine them in to one! I love it when things come together!  Don’t you?

~Something Loved~


Do you ever find yourself asking the question “why”? I think we all do. It’s a question I don’t really like though, because most often there isn’t a ready answer. That was the case for me in September.  We’d been planning our beach vacation to our favorite spot in North Carolina for months; then Florence made her grand entrance and changed everything. Don’t get me wrong: I’m grateful to only have lost a trip and not my belongings or life but I wonder of all weeks, why the storm had to come then? Continue reading

Share Four Somethings: Making Memories

Can you believe we’re already in the month of September? Me either!  As a matter a fact, July flew by so quickly that I missed posting my Four Somethings for it.  So, here I am today ready to share with you my Four Somethings as I look back on August before they slip away too. If you enjoy this idea, you can read more over at Here’s a glance at my life this past month:

Something Loved

 I was blessed in August to spend a week with my mom and sisters in Michigan. I loved our time together but will share more about that later.  Leaving Michigan, I immediately followed that week with a week at my daughter’s.  My son-in-love was on a business trip so I was able to offer an extra set of hands with my grandsons while he was away.  We had great fun playing outside, having a pizza party, baking, reading books, and visiting the county fair. The pace was much faster than my normal day to day and I was one pooped MiMi when I got home; but I wouldn’t trade that time for anything!  I loved seeing all three of them first thing in the morning, tucking my precious grands into bed, and spending a little quiet time with my “little girl” each evening. It is such a gift to be part of their lives and I treasure making memories with them!

Something Said

It amazes me how God works things out!  It just so happened that the very week I was at my daughter’s, she gave her first Children’s Sermon in church!  I can’t remember too many times in my life when I’ve been prouder!  She’d prepared, practiced, and every word she said captivated the kid’s (and me) as she told them about the importance of staying close to God. It was a highlight of my parenting journey and listening to the compliments given to her afterward simply made my heart swell!

Something Learned

So now, let me take you back to my week in Michigan….My sisters are adventuresome. They try new things. They don’t let fear hold them back! Me? Not so much. Not at all, really!  For the longest time they have tried to get me to join them kayaking and I’ve politely turned down their invitations to enter the “death-trap” on water. This trip was a little different though: first of all they found a completely open kayak for me (there went my trapped excuse) AND they wouldn’t take no for an answer! My 59th summer will now be remembered as the year I (kicking and screaming) learned to kayak.  There could have been tears involved and a lot of trepidation but their goal was accomplished. And, if I’m totally honest, I actually enjoyed it….but shhhh, don’t tell them! Who knows what they’d plan for me next!

Something Read

Well, the whole kayak experience weighed heavy on my heart after I was home.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve been afraid to step out of my comfort zone.  New foods, people, and experiences make me nervous and uncomfortable. I wish I knew why I turned out this way. But I don’t. And I know there have been many things that I’ve missed out on because I was too scared to try them.  I’m not proud of it and its hard to share it here, but it’s been my truth. Enter God once again bringing me just what I need when I need it: My something read (and still reading) for August is the first step to “Being Brave” or at least a little braver me. I’m thinking it could be a slow process but I’m hoping that my 59th summer will also be remembered for attempting to tip toe a little out of my comfort zone and actually liking it! Stay tuned to see what happens!

Well, that’s all for this month! I’d love to know what your Four Somethings are!  Share them in the comments.  I’ll be looking forward to reading them!

Share Four Somethings

I’m excited to be trying something new today.  As I scrolled through my Twitter feed, I happened upon #ShareFourSomethings at The idea is to share the four somethings: something loved, something said, something learned, and something read you’ve experienced within the past month.  I don’t know about you but June flew by for me.  The calendar page was full of appointments, meetings, special events, trips, you name it; but within the busyness were some very special “somethings” that I’ll always hold dear. So, here we go….



June brought a double celebration of love! Two birthday parties in one day!  Not a feat for the timid! Our morning celebration, in honor of grandson, Owen’s first birthday was a delicious breakfast buffet that included Cinnamon Roll Cake no less!  How can he possibly be one already?  Owen’s smile is infectious, his curls adorable, and he’s the spitting image of his momma!

Later that afternoon we went “Up, Up, and Away” for Carson’s third birthday! Airplanes and toddlers everywhere!  The energy level was higher than this MiMi is used to! I can’t believe I’ve actually been a MiMi for three years!  Carson has changed so much!  He’s learning new things all the time, loves to cook, and looks just like his daddy did at his age!

I thought I knew all about love until these two precious blessings came into my life!  All the sayings about how wonderful being a grandparent is are true!  Carson and Owen are my something loved in June AND all year round, too!


It’s funny how what we perceive as reality often isn’t.  I love to write and my kids know about “mom’s little blog”, however, I’ve believed that at best, they think I’m silly and at worst I’m wasting time.  That all changed with the most meaningful words said in a belated Mother’s Day Card, one by the way, I’ll treasure forever! Accompanying a journal, these were the words said:

“This journal is for you to write down all your ideas so that everything is in one place and you can write many books and blogs from the ideas. We can’t wait to call our Mom/MiMi a published author because we know you can do it!”

As you might guess, the tears flowed as I hugged that card to my chest.  To know my family believes in me are some of the sweetest words ever said!


The end of June found me atop a mountain at a cabin retreat with some of my closest and dearest friends.  Now, whenever we are all together there’s laughter that rattles the rafters, food that satisfies every tastebud, stories that go on through the night, and gatherings around a campfire.  This trip was no different except…….the wind!  It was so windy that the fire queen couldn’t safely do her thing.  Did that stop us? No!  I learned that though the howling winds may blow, S’mores will be made and that an electric stove comes in pretty handy when there are six women craving roasted marshmallows and chocolate!


As I wrestle with this desire I have to write, I’m trying to soak in as much knowledge as I can from those who ARE writers.  I belong to a writing group called Hope*Writers and I’m going through all the varied trainings they offer.  One of their recommended readings is “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott, so of course I put it right on my Amazon wish list and low and behold it was given to me as an anniversary gift. (After 35 years he’s starting to know me HaHa) As I read it, a myriad of emotions come with each chapter.  I haven’t finished the whole book yet, but this I know from my something read so far……I have A LOT to learn about being a writer!

This was fun! Want to give it a try?  Share Four Somethings of your own in the comments! I can’t wait to read them!  I hope to share with you again in a month! Who knows what wonderments July might bring?




