Tag Archives: waiting

Chapter ~ Five Minute Friday

“I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” Psalm 130:5

Leaf Lesson

Despite its fall-like appearance, this is actually what my Japanese Maple tree looks like today in the height of spring. Unfortunately it got ahead of itself. Buds formed early and soon (too soon) new, frilly leaves covered the branches before the other trees even began to show signs of life. I actually pointed it out to my husband telling him that our young tree looked fuller and prettier than it ever had. But then came the frost warning. And then the deadly frost. As you can see, what should have been, could have been, a tree full of life now only displays a limited smattering of its once beautiful, red leaves. 

Springing into action rather than waiting, I’ve at times found myself in the same situation as this over eager tree. I pray for something. The answer is slow (to me) in coming. I pray again. Seemingly nothing and so, I branch out on my own (too soon), ignore any warnings I sense, and end up realizing that by not waiting for God’s perfect timing, the “should have, could have” I’d prayed for was hindered by my rushing ahead. Instead of the full, beautiful result, I instead had little to show for all MY effort.

We can get to a place where we just want God to write a new chapter in our lives and so maybe we pray for love but jump too quickly into a bad relationship, ask for guidance about a new job then out of fear accept what turns out to be the wrong position, or lift up a dream of something we long for, watch others seem to get what they want and so compromise our finances to keep up. Can you relate? The list can go on and on. Ask me how I know….

Here’s the crazy thing too, even if I don’t necessarily act, my thoughts form early and grow at a rapid rate detailing all the scenarios of how I THINK God should answer my prayer! My mind is so full of MY expectations that I know I’ve often missed God’s actual perfect answer for me. Sound familiar? Think the Pharisees! Yikes!

“Then his people believed his promises. Then they sang his praise. Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done! They wouldn’t wait for his counsel!”
Psalm 106:12-13 (NLT)

The reality is my maple tree didn’t have a choice about forging ahead early instead of waiting, but we do. It’s not something we’re (I’m) always good at doing, “waiting for his counsel,” but it’s the lesson those shriveled leaves I see out my kitchen window are teaching me:

Eager for a new season in life? Pray and wait.
Hoping to turn a page? For that different chapter? Pray and wait.
Want evidence of real growth? Pray and wait.
Longing to see beauty again where it once was? Pray and wait.
Prayed and still waiting? Remember “what He has done” and patiently wait some more.

“Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.”
Psalm 27:14 (NLT)

This is written as part of http://www.fiveminutefriday.com where I’ve joined in with others to write to the prompt “Chapter”. Click over to read more.

Day 4/31: Never

31 Days of Five Minute Friday Free Writes

“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and what for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14

Day 4: Never

I never thought it would happen, but here it is! I’ve been not so patiently watching and waiting and watching and waiting. Mixed in midst of all that watching and waiting there was also something else. Disappointment. This very plant was heavy with blue, pink, and lavender flowers last year, but not this season.

All summer my hydrangea grew bigger and rounder than its ever been before and didn’t stop until it covered one entire end of the flower bed. The crazy thing even encroached its way onto the sidewalk. While the dark green lush leaves outdid themselves filling the ample branches, not one single blossom formed on the entire bush, not one! I gave up and stopped watching.

Then, out of nowhere this small blossom appeared. It took its sweet ole time waiting until Fall to finally arrive. It certainly wasn’t the outcome I expected, but honestly? I think I appreciate that little flower more than I have any of the others.

This out-of-season late bloomer is a good reminder for us. We often find ourselves in times of waiting and watching for something to happen in our own lives or in the lives of those we love. Maybe you’re there now. There certainly are some things in my life that to me, seem a long time coming. 

We pray, we watch, we wait. We pray, we watch, we wait. And in the midst of all that? Disappointment, discouragement, helplessness, confusion, fear, anger can join in. When the answer doesn’t come when we want it to and it makes sense to us that it should, we begin to think it will never happen.

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT)

Just because WE think it the right time for something, doesn’t mean God does. Have you ever had a “Garth Brooks moment”?  You know, “Thank God for unanswered prayers?” Or have you received a different answer that was different but much better than what you were expecting? The Bible tells us in Isaiah 55:8 that God’s thoughts and ways are nothing like ours. He knows exactly the what’s and when’s we need. 

There’s no doubt we’re encouraged to pray for the things on our hearts, but, we may have to wait for the right season to get an answer. What I’m learning though, is that in waiting we must keep watching with anticipation. Pray, wait, watch. Pray, wait, watch. Because as the NLT puts verse 8, God’s ways are “far beyond anything you could imagine.” I don’t know about you, but that tells me that we need to be on the look-out for those out-of-season outcomes we never thought could happen, just like a little hydrangea blooming in the Fall.

On the Verge

"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring." Bern Williams

“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.” ~ Bern Williams

On the Verge

The sky, deceptively sparkling blue

But the air is crisp like it’s coming off the last snowy mountaintop.

Forsythia buds burst at their seams while waiting for warmth to usher them forth.

Slivers of green emerge on the tips of cold, empty Lilac limbs.

Whimsical  soft, silvery catkins dot the Pussy Willow tree.

Buzzards have found their way back and float endlessly on windy currents, anticipating.

While early Robins search nervously in the damp earth for a rare morsel.

Peep Frog songs trill from ponds but then go quiet, not ready to announce your arrival.

Where are you? 

The scent of rain in the air proclaims you’re near.

We’re anxiously waiting to welcome you.

So close

Yet,  still on the verge of Spring.


Wait and See

Wow!  It’s been since October that I’ve written a post!  I have many excuses…..I’ve worked on a couple  projects up at school, I’ve traveled a little, and getting lost in the holiday rush…..all good reasons for not having the time to write…..good, but not the real reason.

The real reason I haven’t written is my own disillusionment and fear.  It was eye-opening for me just now to go back and read my October post, “It’s Time”.  I talk about taking off and living my dreams but instead I have done the exact opposite.  Actually, I’ve been hiding.

I felt ready to retire.  I felt it was time.  I felt it was for the best for me and the school.  I felt God was leading me to a new life and I couldn’t wait. But waiting is exactly what I’m doing and I must admit I’m not doing a very good job of it.  Somehow I thought that my new future was going to emerge from writing this blog.  It hasn’t.  I was sure opportunities were going to knock on my door. The only opportunities I’ve been given are the spam messages to improve my blog that fill my inbox.  I thought I was going to fulfill the longing of my creative spirit and make a difference.  I thought I knew where I was going…..

Keeping busy hasn’t been a problem.  I’ve spent a lot of time back at school substituting, putting up bulletin boards, chairing special projects and I’ve enjoyed it.  It’s just that this isn’t how I envisioned it to be.  Have I made a big mistake?  Did I take my future into my own hands instead of following God’s lead?  I talk a big game but truthfully, I’ve been scared and disappointed in myself.  What have I done?  What am I supposed to do now?  I know…….wait.

So, here I am back to tell you that while I wish I was flying, sailing, climbing, or traveling on a new exciting adventure, I’m actually a little lost and still not sure where I’m going.  It’s a good thing I have a patient husband, family who support me, and friends that cheer me on.  Because really when it’s all said and done, it doesn’t matter where I’m headed.  What matters most is who’s along for the ride and I am richly blessed by MY “traveling partners”!  Am I a little anxious? Yes.  Is this how I pictured retirement?  No.  The reality though is life rarely happens the way we expect it to.  Once we realize it, we always have the choice to give up (as I sort of have been doing) or embrace the moment we’re in (what I’m now going to try to do).  Armed with the confidence that God has a plan, that He can see the whole picture, and the knowledge that I’m surrounded by people who care about me, I’m going to try and relax, let go of my preconceptions, and be grateful for this time of discovery.  Where will it lead me you ask?  Your guess is as good as mine.  I believe we’ll just have to WAIT and see.
