Category Archives: Wise Wednesday

Wise Wednesday 8/10/16


Mine is on the “Most Wanted” list! 

Anyone else out there looking for a lost (stolen) dream and then realized YOU left the door unlocked so the thief could get in? These words have been a huge Ah-Ha for me! Procrastination is one of the biggest personal struggles I face!  I’d love any input/advice you have on “arresting” it ! Meet me in the comments!

Wise Wednesday 8/3/16

I collect words! I savor them. Linger with them. Ponder over them. They can touch my heart and satisfy my soul.  Whether they are words in a devotional, a speech,  a song, a book, a sermon, a poem, a conversation, or even a blog post; wisdom abounds! This love of words has influenced me to try something new…..Ta Da!….Wise Wednesday is born!  To be honest, it’s as much for me as it is for you.  It’s my hope that by sharing bits of wisdom which have inspired me, caused me to pause and think, or to look at something differently than I have before, will do the same for you AND it will allow me to create a gathering place for the words of others that have resonated with me in some way: like to motivate a change, encourage, reassure, spark an idea, gain a deeper understanding, or kindle a dream. 

Some weeks I’ll share my connection with the “Wise Wednesday” words. Other times, I may simply post the quote and let it stand on its own.  Either way, I would love it if this compilation of words will be an invitation for conversation between us and an opportunity for you to share YOUR wise words with me! So, here we go……….

"Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living." Anthony Douglas Williams

“Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living.”
Anthony Douglas Williams

I’m in the midst of an on-line book study.  The timing of it is no coincidence! The book is Come With Me by Suzanne Eller. Her previous books have had a tremendous effect on me and so far this one is no different.  My “Ah-Ha” moment came with these “wise” words:

“Whisper yes where no wants to take root.”

Since retiring, I’ve felt God calling me to do things, but out of fear of failure, lack of confidence, and selfishness with my time; I have ignored Him and put them off. “No has taken root!” There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s time for me to say, “YES”.  It’s still scary and will require some sacrifice, and I’m pretty sure my “yes” WILL start only as a whisper and not a shout, but these wise words are inspiring me to rip up the old roots holding me back and follow where God is leading me. 

Have you felt called to do something that you too, have ignored? What’s holding you back? Are you in the midst of fulfilling God’s call? What helped you to step out and follow?  I’ll meet you in the comments to continue this conversation!

To learn more about the “Come With Me” book study, go to