Monthly Archives: September 2018

Potential in Little ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s Five Minute Friday time!  Yay!  Today’s prompt is a hopeful one! It’s “Potential”.  I know there are going to be great thoughts shared over at so don’t miss out.  Just click on over and soak it all in!

“It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.” Mark 4:31-32 (NIV) / Pixabay

I love when this happens! You know: when things just unexpectedly fall into place. My husband has a calendar of church sign sayings and last night he brought this one home to me:

“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed.”

My response was that it was a good one and I hoped I’d be able to use it sometime. It never occurred to me that “sometime” would be now, but when Kate revealed that the prompt for today is “Potential”, this church sign saying immediately came to mind. I’d call that a “God Wink” wouldn’t you?

Go back and read the saying again.  Let it settle in. God knows how many apples a tiny seed will produce! Stop and ponder on that for a moment….a small seed grows into a tree.  The tree produces fruit; not just once but season after season for its lifetime! Amazing isn’t it? There’s potential within that little seed for harvests that will nourish generation after generation!

And isn’t that exactly what God does? Finds potential in little.

“His disciples answered, “Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?” “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven,” they replied, “and a few small fish.” He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and they in turn to the people. They all ate and were satisfied.  Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” Matthew 15: 33-37 (NIV)

Potential in little.  The disciples were panicked when Jesus suggested they feed the more than five thousand people around them.  They looked at the small amount they had and saw impossibility.  Jesus however, looked upon the meager offering and saw a nourishing feast that would be talked about for generation after generation.

Jesus also taught lessons about the mustard seed. He used the smallest of all seeds on earth as an example to His disciples and to us, that great things can come from tiny beginnings; not just a large, strong plant, but the great harvest in the Kingdom of Heaven and our “mountain moving” faith.

How often do we shrink from doing something, something maybe God is calling us to do, because we feel too insignificant to make a difference or that what we have to offer just isn’t enough? I know I have more times than I’d like to admit. The truth is, on our own we are lacking; but with God our insufficiency is a seed with the potential to bear fruit for our lifetime!

Yes, God can count the apples in a seed, provide a banquet using a snack, and even see beyond our small grain of faith to what it will one day become.  So, the next time you or I feel we don’t measure up to His call, let’s remind ourselves that our God is a God of possibility. After all, He IS the one who sent a tiny baby to save the whole world!  His Perfect Potential in little.


Darkness~Five Minute Friday

“For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!” Ephesians 5:8 (NLT) / Pixabay

Complete Darkness

Living in a place where others come to vacation is a gift!  I love hearing tourists’ comments about the beauty of my little corner of the world! I live in the shadow of the highest point in the state which offers views that take your breath away.  Not far from me are rocks that draw climbers from all over and just down the road are amazing caverns formed millions of years ago by water dissolving the limestone that is plentiful in our area. Drip by drip, magnificent formations grew in to what is now a popular destination.

Taking the caverns tour has been a favorite of our guests and each time we go through I’m still awed by the artistry buried below the earth’s surface; created not by man, but by God’s hand. Once we’ve descended deep into the cave, the tour guide warns that we are about to experience the most feared part of the cavern. It’s not bats (although they’re there). It’s not rocks falling from above (even though some have). No, the scariest part of being in the cavern? Complete darkness!

Once the lights are turned off… You. See. Nothing. Your hand in front of your face? Not there! The person standing next to you? Gone! The longer you are engulfed in the blackness the more uncomfortable it becomes. Your eyes don’t adjust, moving is impossible, and all sense of your surroundings is lost. As your heart rate increases, panic begins to set in!

Doesn’t life sometimes cause us to feel exactly like we’re stranded in complete darkness?  The answer we long for? Not there! Hope we’ve been searching for? Gone! The blackness of fear, grief, frustration, and so much more becomes unbearable. In panic, we look in all directions but are still unable see where to go. We. Can’t. Move.

Back in the cave, just when you wished you were anywhere else, the guide’s flashlight turns on. Here’s the amazing thing: the small glow from that one flashlight illuminates the beauty of the place you’d just felt helpless in! Even more amazing, is that we have a Guide in life who leads us to find beauty in the dark places, too!

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world.  If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.””
John 8:12 (NLT)

In our darkest hours, God offers The Light. On the gloomiest days, He shines The Light. When we’re wishing to be anywhere other than where we are, His Light is waiting right there to guide our way. It may be just a tiny glimmer, but when we look toward It, we’re able to see the next step where we hadn’t before.

When on the tour, it’s easy while standing in the abyss of complete darkness to forget the beauty that surrounds you, even though it’s right within your reach.  It takes a light to remind you of the majesty you’re in the midst of. The same is true for us; feeling as if we’re in complete darkness steals joy, hope, and beauty from our lives.  It’s when we remember to turn to His Majesty: The Light of the World, that we are reminded that Jesus has overcome the darkness completely: not just for today or tomorrow but for all eternity! Feeling lost in the dark? Just follow The Light and then BE the light for others!

Today’s prompt at is “darkness” so pulled this post from the archives to share.  Click on over to see what enlightening things the other talented writers have to say about darkness.

Three’s a Crowd ~Five Minute Friday

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV) / Pixabay

Ever had a guest who overstayed their welcome?  I sure have. He took up residence a long time ago and then refused to leave.   Living with him camped out in my head became normal.  He planted negative thoughts in my mind as comfortably as planting his feet on the coffee table. Instead of cleaning up after himself, he enjoyed trashing my hopes and ideas. He cooked up ways to feed on my insecurities, leaving only crumbs of confidence behind. This guest unpacked, settled in, and crowded out my dreams. Maybe you’ve heard of my roommate. His name?  Fear.

It’s difficult to think about all I’ve let fear keep me from doing: meeting new people, responding to a need, experiencing adventure, following my dreams, and so much more. As recently as this past month I had the opportunity to meet with other writers who I’d never met. The invitation thrilled me and I began planning for the event. But, the closer it came, the more messages fear began leaving for me to replay over and over in my head, finally convincing me that I wasn’t really a writer, I would only make a fool of myself, and I needed to just stay home with him.  Thankfully, that’s when God reminded me Whose house I live in! I’ve finally recognized that fear, having no intention of leaving, had plopped himself down and wedged his way between God and me. (FYI: God didn’t move over to make room for him; that was all me.) Anyone else ever sat on that couch?

“There is no fear in love: true love has no room for fear, because where fear is, there is pain; and he who is not free from fear is not complete in love.” 1 John 4:18 (BBE)

If we’re going to live the greatest commandment of loving God with our whole hearts, souls, and minds, it’s time to clean house, pack up all of fear’s lies, doubts, and accusations, and send him on his way…..far away!  When we choose our roommates carefully and dwell in the house of the Lord, we have this promise:

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

The eviction notice has been served! It may take a while to clear everything out and give this “temple” of mine a good cleansing; but I’m looking forward to a new found peace without that extra voice always butting in. So, want to join me in saying “goodbye” to fear? Now’s the time, because you know what they always say…. “Two’s company, three’s a crowd”!







His Mercy Rains and Rains ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s raining over at not really, but the prompt is “rain”. Grab your umbrellas! Here we go……

“Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. Jude 1:2 (NIV) / Pixabay

It rained and rained and rained and rained. By afternoon: school was dismissed early. By evening: phone lines were dead and the electricity flickering. By nightfall:  we were without power and water was rising in the cellar. We awoke the next morning to an eerie hush that hovered heavy on the air. No birdsong. No traffic. No voices. Just the loud roar of rushing waters making their way down what had once been the road that lead in and out of our little town. In a matter of hours, life completely changed and from that moment on, time was defined as “before the flood” and “after the flood”.

When I left my classroom in the rain that day, I never imagined it would be weeks until I’d return. I’d called my mom to tell her we had a flood warning but not to worry. It never occurred to me that we’d be out of touch for what seemed an unbearable amount of time. Nothing could have prepared me for handing my nine month old son over to Army Reservists who’s all-terrain vehicle could make its way across mountains to take him to my in-laws’ farm where there was wood heat, when we had none. The flood of 1985 destroyed roads and farms, demolished homes, and swept away precious lives. It also taught me about community, perseverance, compassion, and God’s amazing grace!

We are rarely prepared for the storms of life. They come unexpectedly and often leave us in dark and seemingly unbearable places. It’s easy to feel engulfed. Even though many years have passed since that November flood, I’m reminded still today of the lessons I learned in it’s aftermath. While singing along with Chris Tomlin’s song “My Chains are Gone” one day, I got to the lines: “And like a flood, His mercy reigns. Unending love, amazing grace.” and I was overcome!   I know what a flood can do and these words reminded me that God doesn’t give his gifts of mercy, love, and grace like a light, spring rain but rather just like a flood: with all its power, abundance, and an outpouring that saturates our souls and fills us to overflowing. When we accept those gifts, time then becomes defined as “before Jesus” and “after Jesus”. And our lives? They are completely changed forever! Amazing!



Share Four Somethings: Making Memories

Can you believe we’re already in the month of September? Me either!  As a matter a fact, July flew by so quickly that I missed posting my Four Somethings for it.  So, here I am today ready to share with you my Four Somethings as I look back on August before they slip away too. If you enjoy this idea, you can read more over at Here’s a glance at my life this past month:

Something Loved

 I was blessed in August to spend a week with my mom and sisters in Michigan. I loved our time together but will share more about that later.  Leaving Michigan, I immediately followed that week with a week at my daughter’s.  My son-in-love was on a business trip so I was able to offer an extra set of hands with my grandsons while he was away.  We had great fun playing outside, having a pizza party, baking, reading books, and visiting the county fair. The pace was much faster than my normal day to day and I was one pooped MiMi when I got home; but I wouldn’t trade that time for anything!  I loved seeing all three of them first thing in the morning, tucking my precious grands into bed, and spending a little quiet time with my “little girl” each evening. It is such a gift to be part of their lives and I treasure making memories with them!

Something Said

It amazes me how God works things out!  It just so happened that the very week I was at my daughter’s, she gave her first Children’s Sermon in church!  I can’t remember too many times in my life when I’ve been prouder!  She’d prepared, practiced, and every word she said captivated the kid’s (and me) as she told them about the importance of staying close to God. It was a highlight of my parenting journey and listening to the compliments given to her afterward simply made my heart swell!

Something Learned

So now, let me take you back to my week in Michigan….My sisters are adventuresome. They try new things. They don’t let fear hold them back! Me? Not so much. Not at all, really!  For the longest time they have tried to get me to join them kayaking and I’ve politely turned down their invitations to enter the “death-trap” on water. This trip was a little different though: first of all they found a completely open kayak for me (there went my trapped excuse) AND they wouldn’t take no for an answer! My 59th summer will now be remembered as the year I (kicking and screaming) learned to kayak.  There could have been tears involved and a lot of trepidation but their goal was accomplished. And, if I’m totally honest, I actually enjoyed it….but shhhh, don’t tell them! Who knows what they’d plan for me next!

Something Read

Well, the whole kayak experience weighed heavy on my heart after I was home.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve been afraid to step out of my comfort zone.  New foods, people, and experiences make me nervous and uncomfortable. I wish I knew why I turned out this way. But I don’t. And I know there have been many things that I’ve missed out on because I was too scared to try them.  I’m not proud of it and its hard to share it here, but it’s been my truth. Enter God once again bringing me just what I need when I need it: My something read (and still reading) for August is the first step to “Being Brave” or at least a little braver me. I’m thinking it could be a slow process but I’m hoping that my 59th summer will also be remembered for attempting to tip toe a little out of my comfort zone and actually liking it! Stay tuned to see what happens!

Well, that’s all for this month! I’d love to know what your Four Somethings are!  Share them in the comments.  I’ll be looking forward to reading them!

Rush to Save

Time Flies! Life moves at warp speed it seems.  We rush here. We rush there. But, what are we rushing after?  Join us today at to read all the thoughts on the prompt, “Rush”.

Back in the early 90’s (a time when bangs and plaid were obviously popular) my sisters and I got together on every Black Friday to shop till we dropped. Back then, it was the only time stores had big sales and so on Thanksgiving night we’d sit on the floor with all the ads spread out around us looking for the items on our Christmas wish lists. Once we knew where to find the lowest prices it was time to make our game plan which usually went a little like this: Donuts, shop, lunch, shop, cookies, shop, drop.(HaHa! Food played an important part in these shopping trips-extra energy, you know!) With little sleep, we’d rise bright and early Friday morning and having our checkbooks, coupons, and lots of coffee in hand, we’d rush out the door to find the best deals of the day!

The game plans to save have changed a little since the days of our sisters’ shopping trips.  Now, tents are set up outside stores as customers line up to be the first ones to claim their item at a lower price.  Some people drive extra miles to save a few cents on gasoline while others search the internet for coupon codes before they shop. We’re drawn to a “lowest prices of the season” sale like moths to a light and removing that sticker to reveal “30% off” encourages us to buy more since we’re saving so much!

It’s true. We are dedicated to saving these days and sometimes it makes it easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest deals the world offers, too. Buy this and you will look better, do this and you’ll finally feel like yourself, or try this and your problems will seem to disappear. Sound familiar? (Think slithery voice) Yes, the world tries to sell us on ways to save… ourselves, that is.

  “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved……For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:4-5,8-9 (NIV) 

So the next time we find ourselves flitting from one sales tactic of the world to another or making a game plan to save ourselves before we drop, we need to remember Black Friday. Not the day after Thanksgiving, but rather the Friday when darkness fell across the whole land as Jesus was crucified for you and me. When we rush to the One who saved us, we receive the best deal of our lives (it’s free), no one can beat His offer (His life), and His saving benefits are beyond compare (forgiveness of our sins).  And the best thing? There are no returns (we’re His eternally)! Let’s not let the world sell us on anything less!